Office hours in person: Mon,Wed 2:45-3:30pm, Tue,Thu 12:40-1:40pm or by appointment.
Teaching Spring 2025:
CSE 1310, Section 004
(MW 1 - 2:20pm)
No textbook required. Optional textbook:
"C by Discovery" by Foster and Foster, 4-th edition, ISBN-13: 978-1576761700, ISBN-10: 1576761703
CSE 1320, Section 003
(MW 4 - 5:20pm)
No textbook required. Optional textbook:
"C by Discovery" by Foster and Foster, 4-th edition, ISBN-13: 978-1576761700, ISBN-10: 1576761703
CSE 3318, Section 001
(TuTh 9:30 - 10:50am)
CSE 3318, Section 002
(TuTh 11am - 12:20pm)
Student Opportunities to participate in events
- Major League Hacking - lists hackaton events all over the world. Some are fully online and some are hybrid.
Students taking CSE1310 can participate in a hackathon. You can participate in a hackathon even if you do not know well how to program. There are workshops where you can learn more about specific topics and also other ways in which you can contribute to the project.
- Undergraduate Student Opportunities at UTA - These are some of the events at UTA. It is NOT an exhaustive list. Check the CSE facebook page, your email, The Shorthorn, etc.