Progress reports
There are two types of progress reports:
    Team progress reports (submitted by the team).
    Individual progress report (submitted by each student).
Each progress report must be a separate html document with the exact format as shown in the appropriate templates.

Procedure to submit a progress report

Each student prepares a progress report (at least 48 hours before the specified dates) in html form and submits the corresponding URL to the team leader or document officer of the team (DO NOT modify or delete your progress reports after they have been submitted) The individual progress reports will be incorporated into the team progress report which is also an html document. The team leader should email the URL of the team progress report to the instructor not later than the dates specified in the deliverables schedule. The team leader should also evaluate each team member and assign a grade for each period. The grade should be based on the performance and contribution of each individual. Twenty points should be deducted for each absent from a group meeting. Points should be deducted for not completing the assigned task.

Email template for the team progress report

Template for individual progress reports

Template for team progress reports

Template for final progress reports