Parallel Climate Data Assimilations

Chris H.Q. Ding

Atmospheric data such as temperature, moisture, winds, etc., collected by satellites flying balloons etc are assimilated to numerical model forecast through a statistical process called Kalman filter to provide a coherent, consistent, regular gridded dataset. These observation-based datasets, collected and processed every 6 hours by NASA, are useful for climate models validations, better understanding of weather patterns, etc.

The Physical-space Statistical Analysis System is an advanced data analysis system developed at the Data Assimilation Office of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. The T3E implementation of this code reduces the solution time is reduced to 24.6 seconds on NERSC's 512-PE T3E from 5 hours on a single head of Cray C90 for a real problem of 80,000 observations, a 740-fold reduction of turn-around time.

Related papers :

"The NASA HPCC Data Assimilation Grand Chanllenge Project"