MPH1 and MPH2: Multi-Component Multi-Executable or Multi-Component Single Execut able

MPH2b: Multiple Components, Single Executable, processors overlap, flexible

Global handshaking among different component models. Each component will run on a set of nodes (processors). Processors in different sets are determined in "" file. They could overlap. Different components could be sequentially called. Most flexible.

You could get the source code as a tar file here or access the individual files as follows:

MPH.outline: brief introduction extra explanation
README: this file
mph.F: MPH_comm module

master.F: driver for single executable model
ccm.F: subroutine for atmosphere model
pop.F: subroutine for ocean model
cpl.F: subroutine for coupler

Makefile: makefile. processor ranges for each component model
script: loadleveler batch script
output: sample output from interactive run

To compile and run on NERSC IBM SP:

  1) Type "make", 1 executable will be created: master.

  2) to run interactive job:
     a) unset environment variable "MP_TASKS_PER_NODE"
     b) type in ONE LINE:
        poe master -nodes 5 -procs 9
        -stdoutmode ordered -infolevel 2 > & output &

  3) to run batch job:
     type "llsubmit script".

To compile and run on other machines:

  Please refer to the corresponding sections of README for MPH1.

 Last modified on June 27, 2002.

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