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How to Use

   Users need to "use MPH_module" in the application codes, and 
   invoke the appropriate MPH_components function for the multiple 
   components in each executable. For example, ICE_LAND_World = 
   MPH_components (name1="ice", name2="land"). You could use 
   MPH_debug call to determine the output message amount, the 
   default level is 0. "MPH_help" call provides you the available 
   inquiry functions for that mode. 
   An input file called "" to give detailed 
   information of component nametags and processor ranges. See more 
   detail about how this file looks like in Section 1.
   Each component maintains its own output in a separate file (file 
   name defined by environment variable either in command line or 
   in batch run script), assuming the local processor 0 of each 
   component being responsible for most output, other occasional 
   writes from all the components are stored in one combined standand 
   output file. 
   This is accomplished by processor rank 0 of each component call 
   subroutine "MPH_redirect_output" with the model name as argument. 
   IBM and SGI could do the output redirect with the help of system 
   function "getenv" or "pxfgetenv". Compaq cannot do this.  And 
   T3E is able to get the correct output files created using 
   "pxfgetenv", but only output with those "write(6,*)" could be 
   redirected, but not those with "write(*,*)", since * is equal to
   unit 101, and permanently related to the non-redirectable stdout.

Yun (Helen) He
Mon Mar 3 10:31:17 PST 2003