CSE 6339: Homeworks

Homework exercies in the book by Easley and Kleinberg.

Homework 1 due Nov 19

Section 3.7: Exercies: 1-5.
Write a 2-3 pages report of your understanding of Chapter 3.

Homework 2 due Nov 26

Section 16.8: Exercies: 1,3,4,5.
Section 18.8: Exercies: 1,2.
Write a 2 page report to briefly
(1) explain your understanding of Chap 16 & 18;
(2) list some other possible information casdades and rich-get-richer effects.
Hint: in New York Times, the author thinks many diet recipes are information cascades (blindly following others).
Hint: Does the sales ranking of books listed Amazon's best seller help these books to sale more? Does this have rich-get-richer effects?

Homework 3 due Nov 30

Section 19.8: Exercies: 1,2,3,4.