Example Papers

The following is a list of example papers for student presentations. If you want to present one of these papers, please let me know as soon as possible. If you have a different paper you would like to present, let me know what the paper is. Presentations will be 15 minutes long (plus 5 minutes for questions). The main goal of the presentations should be to present and discuss different applications and techniques in uncertainty reasoning with a particular focus on how the techniques are applied in differrent contexts. Your presentation should include a basic description of the paper and the techniques used as well as your assessment and analysis thereof. (Keep in mind that your presentations should be aimed at your classmates and not assume any prerequisites beyond this course and the prerequisites to this course).

Presentation Schedule:

Presentations will be on the following dates. To sign up, please send email to the instructor. In order to keep papers grouped by topic area, final time slot assignments can not be guaranteed to match your preferences.

November 24

December 1

  • Kamran Dizaji: M. Lalmas, "Dempster-Shafer's Theory of Evidence applied to Structured Documents: modelling Uncertainty", ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp 110-118, Philadelphia, PA, July 1997.

    December 3

    December 8