CSE 1310-004 (Tiernan)

Lab homework I: Assignments #1 - #4

Due date: Tuesday, Sept. 13, 12pm noon.
    No late labs accepted.

Assignment: There are four programs, Assignments #1 - #4, to write for this lab homework. You should download four .py files linked to this lab. In each file, write a Python program to implement the program purpose described in the program purpose. You must test and run your program to make sure it works correctly before you turn the program in. For this set of assignments you are not required to do input error checking but you will do so in later assignments. You will save your Python programs using the naming conventions defined in the lab submission instructions below.

Lab submission instructions:
1) Name each of your Python files as follows : yourlastnameFprogramname.py where "yourlastname" is replaced with your own last name starting with a small letter, the "F" is replaced with the capital letter of your first name, and "programname" is the name of the .py file I gave you. So if the file I gave was arithmetic.py, then I would turn in a file named tiernanCarithmetic.py .

2) I will activate Blackboard for this class and you will submit your assignment through Blackboard. Once I activate Blackboard for the class you should be able to see the class link when you log in to Blackboard. I reserve the right to change how/where you submit labs later in the semester if Blackboard becomes too cumbersome.

Grading: This lab homework is worth 100 points and has four programming assignments associated with it.
    Assignment #1, distance_origin_set_up.py (20 points)
    Assignment #2, types_set_up.py (20 points)
    Assignment #3, gauss_set_up.py (30 points)
    Assignment #4, gauss2_set_up.py (30 points)

For Lab Homework I, the assignment grading for each assignment will consider the following aspects:
    Comments, headers, style, modularity, readability (20% of assignment)
    Program purpose correctly implemented (15%)
    All required components included correctly (10%)
    Clearly informs user of what is required (15%)
    Performs tasks correctly (25%)
    Provides clear and complete output to user (15%)
    Syntax or logic errors or assignment cannot be run (-100% deduction for assignment)
    Use of library modules/functions if not explicitly listed in assignment description (-35% deduction)
    Use of elements not yet discussed in class UNLESS explicitly listed in assignment (-35% deduction)
        NOTE: if you are not sure whether to use something in Python either leave it out or ask me by e-mail