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penguin logic I'm going to try to take pictures of boardwork we do in class. If I have them, I'll post them here.

CSE 2315 Summer 2018 class examples:

July 26th pics of the board at the end of the class:

July 24th pics of the board at the end of the class:

July 19th pics of the board at the end of the class:

July 17th pics of the board at the end of the class:

July 12th pics of the board at the end of the class:

July 10th pics of the board at the end of the class:

July 5th pics of the board at the end of the class:

June 27th pics of the board at the end of the class:

June 14th pics of the board at the end of the class taken from the board by the door around to the right ending at the window.
(The pics from the earlier days are not in this order.)

June 7th pics of the board at the end of the class:

On June 5th, I took pics of the board at the end of the class and they are here:
posted 15 June 2018

Day 1 was syllabus and ethics statement info