// Top-down red-black tree implementation without deletions, // so free() does not appear. #include #include #include "topdownRB.h" link z,head; // Pointers to sentinel and root Item NULLitem=(-9999999); // Data for sentinel int trace=0; // Controls trace output for insert link NEW(Item item, link l, link r, int N) // Allocates and fills in a node { link x = malloc(sizeof *x); x->item = item; x->l = l; x->r = r; x->red = 1; x->N = N; return x; } void STinit() { // Root/sentinel (head/z) starts out red, but first insert makes root black // and second insert makes sentinel black. head = (z = NEW(NULLitem, 0, 0, 0)); } Item searchR(link h, Key v) // Recursive search for a key { Key t = key(h->item); if (h == z) return NULLitem; if (eq(v, t)) return h->item; if (less(v, t)) return searchR(h->l, v); return searchR(h->r, v); } Item STsearch(Key v) { return searchR(head, v); } Item selectR(link h, int k) // See Sedgewick - implements "zero-based indexing". // Returns the kth smallest key where k=0 returns the smallest // key. Thus, this is like flattening the tree inorder into an array // and applying k as a subscript. { int t = h->l->N; if (h == z) { //return NULLitem; printf("Impossible situation in selectR\n"); STprintTree(); exit(0); } if (t > k) return selectR(h->l, k); if (t < k) return selectR(h->r, k-t-1); return h->item; } Item STselect(int k) { if (k<0 || k>=head->N) { printf("Range error in STselect() k %d N %d\n",k,head->N); exit(0); } return selectR(head, k); } int invSelectR(link h, Key v) // Inverse of selectR { Key t = key(h->item); int work; if (h==z) return -1; // v doesn't appear as a key if (eq(v, t)) return h->l->N; if (less(v, t)) return invSelectR(h->l,v); work=invSelectR(h->r,v); if (work==(-1)) return -1; // v doesn't appear as a key return 1 + h->l->N + work; } int STinvSelect(Key v) { return invSelectR(head,v); } void fixN(link h) // Fixes subtree size of h, assuming that subtrees have correct sizes { h->N=h->l->N + h->r->N + 1; } link rotR(link h) // Rotate right at h, i.e. flip edge between h & h->l { link x = h->l; h->l = x->r; x->r = h; x->N = x->r->N; fixN(x->r); return x; } link rotL(link h) // Rotate left at h, i.e. flip edge between h & h->r { link x = h->r; h->r = x->l; x->l = h; x->N = x->l->N; fixN(x->l); return x; } link rsRBinsert(link h, Item item, int sw) // Sedgewick's code, with details included - NOT TESTED { Key v = key(item); if (h == z) return NEW(item, z, z, 1); if ((h->l->red) && (h->r->red)) { h->red = 1; h->l->red = 0; h->r->red = 0; } if (less(v, key(h->item))) { h->l = rsRBinsert(h->l, item, 0); if (h->red && h->l->red && sw) h = rotR(h); if (h->l->red && h->l->l->red) { h = rotR(h); h->red = 0; h->r->red = 1; } } else { h->r = rsRBinsert(h->r, item, 1); if (h->red && h->r->red && !sw) h = rotL(h); if (h->r->red && h->r->r->red) { h = rotL(h); h->red = 0; h->l->red = 1; } } fixN(h); return h; } void extendedTraceOn() { trace=2; } void basicTraceOn() { trace=1; } void traceOff() { trace=0; } void tracePrint(char *s,link h) { if (trace) if (h==z) printf("%s at sentinel\n",s); else printf("%s at %d\n",s,key(h->item)); } link RBinsert(link h, Item item, int sw) // Program 13.6 coded to be a bit clearer and make mutually exclusive // cases obvious. Also includes tracing. See 2320 notes. BPW // h is present node in search down tree. // Returns root of modified subtree. // item is the Item to be inserted. // sw == 1 <=> h is to the right of its parent. { Key v = key(item); link before; // Used to trigger printing of an intermediate tree tracePrint("Down",h); if (h == z) return NEW(item, z, z, 1); // Attach red leaf if ((h->l->red) && (h->r->red)) // Flip colors before searching down { tracePrint("Color flip",h); h->red = 1; h->l->red = 0; h->r->red = 0; if (trace==2) STprintTree(); } if (less(v, key(h->item))) { tracePrint("Insert left",h); before=h->l; h->l = RBinsert(h->l, item, 0); // Insert in left subtree if (trace==2 && before!=h->l) // Has a rotation occurred? STprintTree(); if (h->l->red) if (h->red) if (sw) { tracePrint("Case ~1",h); h = rotR(h); // Set up case ~2 after return } else ; else if (h->l->l->red) { tracePrint("Case 2",h); h = rotR(h); h->red = 0; h->r->red = 1; } } else { tracePrint("Insert right",h); before=h->r; h->r = RBinsert(h->r, item, 1); // Insert in right subtree if (trace==2 && before!=h->r) // Has a rotation occurred? STprintTree(); if (h->r->red) if (h->red) if (!sw) { tracePrint("Case 1",h); h = rotL(h); // Set up case 2 after return } else ; else if (h->r->r->red) { tracePrint("Case ~2",h); h = rotL(h); h->red = 0; h->l->red = 1; } } fixN(h); tracePrint("Up",h); return h; } void STinsert(Item item) { head = RBinsert(head, item, 0); if (head->red) printf("red to black reset has occurred at root!!!\n"); head->red = 0; } void checkRed(link h,int redParent) // Verifies property 3 in notes { if (redParent && h->red) { printf("Red property problem at %d\n",key(h->item)); STprintTree(); exit(0); } if (h==z) return; checkRed(h->l,h->red); checkRed(h->r,h->red); } int leftPathBlackHeight(link h) // Counts black nodes on path to the minimum { if (h==z) return !(h->red); return leftPathBlackHeight(h->l) + !(h->red); } void checkBlack(link h,int blackCount) // Checks that all paths downward from a node have the same // number of black nodes { if (h==z) if (blackCount==!(h->red)) return; else { printf("Black height problem!\n"); STprintTree(); exit(0); } if (h->red) { checkBlack(h->l,blackCount); checkBlack(h->r,blackCount); } else { checkBlack(h->l,blackCount-1); checkBlack(h->r,blackCount-1); } } Key lastInorder; // Saves key from last node processed void checkInorder(link h) // Checks that inorder yields keys in ascending order { if (h==z) return; checkInorder(h->l); if (less(h->item,lastInorder)) { printf("Inorder error\n"); STprintTree(); exit(0); } lastInorder=key(h->item); checkInorder(h->r); } int checkN(link h) // Verifies that subtree sizes are correct { int work; if (h==z) { if (h->N!=0) { printf("Count for sentinel is %d, should be 0\n",h->N,work); STprintTree(); exit(0); } } else { work=checkN(h->l) + checkN(h->r) + 1; if (h->N!=work) { printf("Count for key %d is %d, should be %d\n",key(h->item),h->N,work); STprintTree(); exit(0); } } return h->N; } void verifyRBproperties() // Checks all required properties. // If a fatal problem is found, the tree is printed before exit(0) { int lpbHeight; if (head->red) printf("Root is not black!\n"); if (z->red) printf("Sentinel is not black!\n"); lastInorder=(-99999999); checkInorder(head); checkRed(head,0); lpbHeight=leftPathBlackHeight(head); checkBlack(head,lpbHeight); checkN(head); } void printTree(link h,int depth,int bhAbove) { int i,bhBelow; if (h==z) { if (bhAbove!=1) { for (i=0;ired)) bhBelow=bhAbove; else bhBelow=bhAbove-1; printTree(h->r,depth+1,bhBelow); for (i=0;ired) printf("[%d %d %d]\n",key(h->item),h->N,bhBelow); else printf("(%d %d %d)\n",key(h->item),h->N,bhBelow); printTree(h->l,depth+1,bhBelow); } void STprintTree() { printTree(head,0,leftPathBlackHeight(head)); } void fixAllN(link h) // Recomputes subtree sizes for an otherwise correct tree { if (h->l) fixAllN(h->l); else h->l=z; if (h->r) fixAllN(h->r); else h->r=z; fixN(h); } void cleanUpUnbalanced(link h) // Checks a tree constructed elsewhere { fixAllN(h); head=h; z->red=0; verifyRBproperties(); }