import java.util.Scanner; public class Driver { public static void main(String[] args) { topdownRB tree=new topdownRB(0); Scanner sc=new Scanner(; while (true) { int target1,target2; ITEM result; switch (sc.nextInt()) { case 0: System.out.format("0: exit\n"); return; case 1: target1=sc.nextInt(); if ( myKey(target1))==null) { tree.insert(new myItem(target1,target1)); System.out.format("1: %d inserted\n",target1); } else System.out.format("1: %d is a duplicate key\n",target1); break; case 2: target1=sc.nextInt(); result=tree.searchFirstKeyNotLessThan(new myKey(target1)); if (result==null) System.out.format("2: %d is too large\n",target1); else System.out.format( "2: %s is the smallest key not smaller than %d\n", result.key().toString(),target1); break; case 3: target1=sc.nextInt(); result=tree.searchLastKeyNotGreaterThan(new myKey(target1)); if (result==null) System.out.format("3: %d is too small\n",target1); else System.out.format( "3: %s is the largest key not larger than %d\n", result.key().toString(),target1); break; case 4: target1=sc.nextInt(); target2=sc.nextInt(); System.out.format("4: keys between %d and %d:",target1,target2); tree.traverseBetween(new myKey(target1),new myKey(target2)); System.out.format("\n"); break; case 5: target1=sc.nextInt(); if ( myKey(target1))==null) System.out.format("5: %d not in tree\n",target1); else System.out.format("5: %d has rank %d\n",target1, tree.rank4key(new myKey(target1))); break; case 6: target1=sc.nextInt(); KEY resultKey=tree.key4rank(target1); if (resultKey==null) System.out.format("6: requested rank %d is outside range\n", target1); else System.out.format("6: rank %d is for key %s\n",target1, resultKey.toString()); break; case 7: if (tree.auditSizes()) System.out.format("7: clean\n"); else System.out.format("7: corrupt\n"); break; default: System.out.println("Bad input"); return; } // switch } // while } // main } // Driver