Chapter 3 Simplification of Switching Functions


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Chapter 3 Simplification of Switching Functions

Simplification Goals

Example 3.1

Minimization Methods

Minimum SOP and POS Representations

Karnaugh Maps

Figure 3.1 Venn diagram and equivalent K-map for two variables

Figure 3.2 Venn diagram and equivalent K-map for three variables

Figure 3.3 (a) -- (d) K-maps for four and five variables

Figure 3.3 (e) -- (f) K-maps for six variables

Plotting (Mapping) Functions in Canonical Form on a K-map

Figure 3.4 Plotting functions on K-maps

Figure 3.5 K-maps for f(a,b,Q,G) in Example 3.4 (a) Minterm form. (b) Maxterm form.

Figure 3.6 K-map of Figure 3.5(a) with variables reordered: f(Q,G,b,a).

Plotting Functions in Algebraic Form

Figure 3.7 -- Example 3.6. (a) Venn diagram form. (b) Sum of minterms. (c) Maxterms.

Figure 3.8 -- Example 3.7. (a) Maxterms, (b) Minterms, (c) Minterms of f ?.

Figure 3.9 -- Example 3.8. (a) K-map of f?, (b) K-map of f.

Simplification of Switching Functions Using K-maps

Figure 3.10 K-map for Example 3.9

Simplification Guidelines for K-maps

Prime Implicants and Covers

Figure 3.11 K-map illustrating implicants

Algorithm 3.1 -- Generating and Selecting Prime Implicants

Figure 3.12 -- Example 3.10 (Illustrating Algorithm 3.1)

Algorithm 3.2 -- Generating and Selecting Prime Implicants (Revisited)

Figure 3.13 -- Example 3.11 (Illustrates Algorithm 3.2)

Figure 3.14 -- Example 3.12 f(A,B,C,D) = ?m(0,5,7,8,10,12,14,15)

Figure 3.15 -- Example 3.13 f(A,B,C,D) = ?m(1,2,3,6) = A?C + BC?

Figure 3.16 -- Example 3.14 f(A,B,C,D) = B?D? + B?C? + BCD

Figure 3.17 -- Example 3.15 Function with no essential prime implicants.

Figure 3.18 -- Example 3.16 Minimizing a five-variable function. f(A,B,C,D,E) = ?m(0,2,4,7,10,12,13,18,23,26,28,29)

Prime Implicates and Covers

Algorithm 3.3 -- Generating and Selecting Prime Implicates

Algorithm 3.4 -- Generating and Selecting Prime Implicates (Revisited)

Example 3.17 -- Find the minimum POS form of the function f(A,B,C,D) = ?M(0,1,2,3,6,9,14)

Algorithm 3.5 -- Finding MPOS of f from f?

Example 3.18 -- Find the MPOS of the following function using Algorithm 3.5 f(A,B,C,D) = ?M(0,1,2,3,6,9,14)

Example 3.19 -- Minimum covers of f(A,B,C,D) = ? M (3,4,6,8,9,11,12,14) and its complement.

Figure 3.22 Finding a minimal POS expression for a 5-variable function.

Figure 3.23 Deriving POS and SOP forms of a function.

Example 3.22 -- Minimizing a Function with Don’t Cares. f(A,B,C,D) = ?m(1,3,4,7,11) + d(5,12,13,14,15) = ?M(0,2,6,8,9,10) ? D(5,12,13,14,15)

Example 3.23 -- Design a circuit to distinguish BCD digits ? 5 from those ? 5.

Example 3.23 (concluded)

Timing Hazards in Combinational Logic Circuits

Figure 3.27 (a)--(b) Illustration of a static hazard.

Figure 3.27 (c) Illustration of a static hazard (con’t)

Figure 3.27 (d) Illustration of a static hazard (con’t).

Figure 3.28 Identifying hazards on a K-map.

Figure 3.29 Hazard-free network.

Figure 3.30 (a)--(b) Example of a static-0 hazard.

Figure 3.30 (c)--(d) Example of a static-0 hazard (con’t).

Figure 3.31 Dynamic hazards.

Quine-McCluskey Minimization Method

Example 3.24 -- Use the Q-M method to find the MSOP of the function f(A,B,C,D) = ?m(2,4,6,8,9,10,12,13,15)

Step 1 -- List Prime Implicants in Groups (Example 3.24)

Step 2 -- Generate Prime Implicants (Example 3.24)

Step 3 -- Prime Implicant Chart (Example 3.24)

Step 4 -- Reduced Prime Implicant Chart (Example 3.24)

The Resulting Minimal Realization of f

How the Q-M Results Look on a K-map

Covering Procedure

Coverage Example f(A,B,C,D) = ?m(0,1,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15)

Reduced PI Charts

Cyclic PI Charts

Using the Q-M Procedure with Incompletely Specified Functions

Minimizing Table for Example 3.25

PI Chart for Example 3.25

Results of Minimization for Example 3.25

Minimizing Circuits with Multiple Outputs

Minimizing Table for Example 3.26

Prime Implicant Chart for Example 3.26

Reduced Prime Implicant Chart for Example 3.26

Minimum Realizations for Example 3.26

Figure 3.34 Reduced multiple-output circuit.

Petrick’s Algorithm for Selecting a Minimal Cover (Algorithm 3.6)

Example 3.27 -- Example of Petrick’s Algorithm

The Cover Function for Example 3.27

Figure 3.35

Figure 3.36

Figure 3.37

Figure 3.38

Figure P3.1

Author: Dr Bill Carroll