CSE 2341 LAB
        1.  Prepare outside the lab for each experiment:
        2.    Do not energize or use equipment unless you are absolutely certain of its operation and requirements.

        3.    Before energizing your circuit, check your wiring twice (pay particular attention to power supply polarity and voltage level, component pin indices, and component pin connections).

        4.    Insure that your report contains the completed lab and is turned in at the end of the lab period.
        5.    Report all equipment malfunctions to the lab instructor.

        6.    Do not place defective chips back into the storage bins -- put them in the receptacles provided for defective components, or give them to the lab instructor.

        7.    Before you leave the lab, disassemble your circuit, return all the chips to proper storage bins, and clean up your table.
        8.    Cooperate fully with the lab instructor.