- 12/2023: Invited to serve as an area chair for ICML 2024!
- 09/2023: One paper accepted by NeurIPS 2023!
- 08/2023: Invited to serve as an area chair for WACV 2024!
- 07/2023: Three papers accepted by MICCAI 2023!
- 05/2023: Invited to serve as an area chair for AAAI 2024!
- 02/2023: Invited to serve as an area chair for NeurIPS 2023!
- 02/2023: Received a CPRIT grant $1,199,997 to study
the binding between TCRs and Neoantigens!
- 02/2023: One paper accepted by WWW 2023!
- 12/2022: Invited to serve as an area chair for ICML 2023!
- 11/2022: One paper accepted by AAAI 2023!
- 11/2022: Elected as a Fellow of AIMBE!
- 10/2022: One paper published in Nature Machine Intelligence!
- 09/2022: One paper accepted by NeurIPS 2022!
- 08/2022: Tutorial "Trustworthy Graph Learning" at KDD
- 06/2022: Two papers accepted by MICCAI 2022!
- 05/2022: Two papers accepted by ICML 2022!
- 03/2022: Invited to serve as an area chair for NeurIPS 2022!
- 03/2022: Three papers accepted by CVPR 2022!
- 01/2022: Invited to serve as an area chair for MICCAI 2022!
- 01/2022: Two papers accepted by ICLR 2022!
- 12/2021: Invited to serve as an area chair for ICML 2022!
- 11/2021: Three papers accepted by AAAI 2022!
- 10/2021: Google Tensorflow Model Garden Award!
- 10/2021: Two papers accepted by NeurIPS 2021!
- 07/2021: Invited to serve as an area chair for AAAI 2022!
- 07/2021: Invited to serve as a session chair for KDD 2021!
- 07/2021: One paper accepted by ICCV 2021!
- 06/2021: Five papers accepted by MICCAI 2021!
- 05/2021: Three papers accepted by ICML 2021!
- 04/2021: Invited to serve as an area chair for CVPR 2022!
- 01/2021: Invited to serve as an area chair for MICCAI 2021!
- 12/2020: Invited talk in IEEE
InTech: A Forum on the Response and Resiliency to COVID-19!
- 12/2020: Four papers accepted by AAAI 2021!
- 12/2020: Won the 6th place in the 3D Structure Prediction Challenge
at CASP14, 2020!
- 12/2012: Won the 1st place in the Contact and Distance Prediction
Challenge at CASP14, 2020!
- 10/2020: One paper published in Nature Communications!
- 09/2020: Six papers accepted by NeurIPS 2020!
- 07/2020: One paper published in Nature Communications!
- 07/2020: Two papers accepted by ECCV 2020!
- 06/2020: One paper accepted by ICML 2020!
- 05/2020: Three papers accepted by MICCAI 2020!
- 05/2020: One paper accepted by KDD 2020!
- 01/2020: Two papers accepted by WWW 2020!
- 12/2019: One paper accepted by RECOMB 2020 [CODE]!
- 12/2019: Two papers accepted by ICLR 2020!
- 11/2019: Five papers accepted by AAAI 2020!
- 09/2019: Four papers accepted by NIPS 2019!
- 08/2019: One paper accepted by ICCV 2019!
- 07/2019: Five papers accepted by MICCAI 2019!
- 04/2019: Three papers accepted by ICML2019!
- 03/2019: Invited to serve as the area chair for MICCAI
- 03/2019: One paper accepted by CVPR 2019!
- 02/2019: One paper accepted by IPMI 2019 [CODE]!
- 02/2019: Received a CPRIT grant $330K
to study digital pathology analysis for cancer patient care!
- 02/2019: One paper accepted by WWW 2019!
- 02/2019: Invited to serve as the program committee
for NIPS 2019!
- 12/2018: Received a gifted fund $150K
to study deep graph learning!
- 12/2018: Three papers accepted by AISTATS 2019!
- 11/2018: Two papers accepted by AAAI 2019!
- 11/2018: Invited to serve as the program committee
for ICML 2019!
- 09/2018: Three papers accepted by NIPS'18!
- 06/2018: Two papers accepted by MICCAI'18 [CODE]
and four papers accepted by BCB'18!
- 05/2018: Three papers accepted by ICML'18 and one
paper accepted by KDD'18!
- 03/2018: Invited to serve as the program committee
for NIPS 2018!
- 03/2018: One paper accepted by CVPR'18 and one paper
accepted by WWW'18!
- 11/2017: One paper accepted by AAAI'18 [CODE]!
- 11/2017: Invited to serve as the program committee
for ICML 2018!
- 09/2017: One paper accepted by NIPS'17!
- 08/2017: Received a NSF IIS grant $499,992
to study Brain Data!
- 07/2017: Shirong, Ashwin and Arjun successfully passed
the thesis defense!
- 06/2017: One paper accepted by MICCAI'17 and one
paper accepted by BCB'17!
- 03/2017: One paper accepted by CVPR'17. Congrats
to Xinliang and Jiawen!
- 03/2017: Invited to serve as the program committee
for NIPS 2017!
- 01/2017: Invited to serve as the area chair for MICCAI
- 11/2016: Viswa and Vivek Successfully passed the
thesis defense! Congrats to Viswa and Vivek!
- 11/2016: One paper accepted by Journal of Thoracic Oncology!
- 11/2016: Two papers accepted by AAAI'17. Congrats
to Zheng!
- 10/2016: Won the 1st place of the Tool Presence Detection
Challenge at M2CAI 2016!
Congrats to Ashwin and Sheng!
- 08/2016: Received the NSF CAREER
Award. More details about this award can be found here.
- 06/2016: Invited talk about "Multi-modal Biomarker Discovery
from Imaging Genomic Data" at UMD.
- 06/2016: Invited talk about "Biomarker Discovery from Histopathology
Images" at NIH.
- 05/2016: Three papers accepted by MICCAI'16. Congrats to Jiawen,
Zheng and Sheng!
- 05/2016: Invited to serve as the program committee for NIPS 2016!
- 01/2016: Invited talk about "Integration of Pathological Images
and Cell Profiling Data" at NIH.
- 12/2015: One paper accepted by TPAMI!
- 11/2015: Invited talk about "Big Image-Omics Data Analytics
for Clinical Outcome Prediction" at UTSW.
- 11/2015: One paper accepted by AAAI 2016 [CODE]!
- 10/2015: Our paper won Best Student Paper
Award in MICCAI 2015! Big congrats to Menglin!
- 09/2015: Big congrats to Yeqing for having successfully defended
his Ph.D thesis and will move to Google!
- 06/2015: Four papers accepted by MICCAI 2015 and
one paper accepted by TIP.
- 05/2015: One paper accepted by IJCAI 2015.
- 03/2015: One paper accepted by CVPR 2015 [CODE]!
- 02/2015: Invited to serve as the program committee
for MICCAI 2015!
- 11/2014: One paper accepted by AAAI 2015 [CODE]!
- 11/2014: Received a Nokia grant $136K
to study big spatial data analytics as PI!
- 10/2014: Invited to serve as the program committee
for ICML 2015!
- 09/2014: Big congrats to Yeqing for winning the Best
Student Paper Award Runners Up
in MICCAI 2014!
- 09/2014: Received a gift grant $50K
from Nokia to support my research!
- 08/2014: Received a NSF CNS grant $116K
to study Annotated Human Activity!
- 07/2014: Received a NSF IIS grant $500K
to study Computational Materials Genome!
- 07/2014: Received a NSF CMMI grant $375K
to study Adaptive Pain Management!
- 06/2014: Our paper on functional brain imaging is
accepted by Transactions on Medical Imaging!
- 05/2014: Two papers accepted by MICCAI 2014. (One
will be an oral presentation) [CODE]
- 05/2014: One oral paper accepted by AAAI 2014 [CODE]!
- 04/2014: Two oral papers accepted by CVPR 2014.
- 04/2014: Our paper on Forest Sparsity is accepted
by TSP!
- 04/2014: Our paper on Feature Matching is accepted
- 04/2014: Invited to serve as the program committee for NIPS 2014!
- 12/2013: Best Reviewer Award, NIPS
- 12/2013: Our paper on Tree Sparsity is accepted by Journal of MedIA.
- 09/2013: Invited to serve as the program committee for ICML 2014!
- 08/2013: Received a Samsung Research Grant $150K!
- 06/2013: One paper accepted by ICCV 2013.
- 05/2013: One paper accepted by MICCAI 2013.
- 04/2013: Invited to serve as the program committee for NIPS 2013!
- 03/2013: Invited Talk, Samsung Research America, Dallas, TX, USA.
- 03/2013: One paper accepted by IPMI 2013.
- 09/2012: Invited to serve as the program committee for ICML 2013!
- 09/2012: Our paper on sparse tracking is accepted by TPAMI.
- 09/2012: Best Paper Award, STMI 2012.
- 08/2012: One paper accepted by NIPS 2012.
- 07/2012: Awarded a grant $10K by Research Enhancement
Program at UT Arlington!
- 06/2012: Two papers accepted by MICCAI 2012.
- 05/2012: Visited Dept. Computer Science, Temple University.
- 05/2012: Invited Talk, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Philadelphia,
- 05/2012: One paper accepted by ECCV 2012.
- 02/2012: One paper accepted by CVPR 2012.
- 01/2012: Our paper on sparse shape composition is published in Journal
of MedIA.
- 12/2011: Our paper on composite splitting is published in Journal
of CVIU.
- 11/2011: Our paper on Learning with Structured Sparsity is published
- 09/2011: Our paper on Sparse Shape Representation was selected as
the MICCAI'11 Young Scientist Award Finalist.
- 08/2011: Invited talk, SPIE on Wavelets and Sparsity XIV, San Diego,
- 08/2011: Join the CSE department at UT Arlington as a tenure-track
assistant professor
- 06/2011: Passed my PhD dissertation defense. Thanks to my committee
members: Dimitris Metaxas, Tong Zhang, Vladimir Pavlovic, Tina Eliassi-Rad,
and Takeo Kanade.
- 06/2011: Our paper on CS-MRI is accepted by the Journal of MedIA!
- 05/2011: Best Paper Award, FIMH 2011!
- 05/2011: Two papers accepted by MICCAI 2011.
- 04/2011: Invited Talk, NAVTEQ, Chicago, IL, USA.
- 03/2011: Invited Talk, Dept. CS, Illinois Institute of Technology,
Chicago, IL, USA.
- 03/2011: Invited Talk, Dept. CSE, UT Arlington, TX, USA.
- 02/2011: Two papers accepted by CVPR 2011. (One will be an oral
- 10/2010: Invited to attend 2010 IBM Watson Workshop "Emerging
Leaders in Multimedia and Signal Processing".
- 09/2010: Two papers in ECCV 2010.
- 09/2010: Invited Talk, ExxonMobil Corporate Strategic Research,
Clinton, NJ, USA.
- 08/2010: One paper published in The Annals of Statistics.
- 09/2010: MICCAI Young Scientist Award,