Course Description

Contents and Objectives:
This course gives an introduction to the philosophies and techniques of Artificial Intelligence. AI techniques have become an essential element in modern computer software and are thus essential for a successful career and advanced studies in computer science. Students successfully completing this course will be able to apply a variety of techniques for the design of efficient algorithms for complex problems. Topics covered in this course include search algorithms (such as breadth-first, depth-first, A*), game-playing algorithms (such as Minimax), knowledge and logic reasoning, planning methods (such as STRIPS and Partially Ordered Planner), probabilistic reasoning, and machine learning.

All students are expected to have passed the courses Programming Languages (CSE 3302) and Theoretical Concepts (CSE 3315) or an equivalent before attending this course.

S. Russell and P. Norwig, ``Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach'', Third edition, Prentice Hall, 2009

Course Materials:
Additional course materials such as lecture notes, assignments, and solutions will be available electronically on the course web page. Changes and corrections, if any, will also be announced by e-mail.

Computer Access:
This course will require some programming and all students will have an account on the OIT machine omega. If not otherwise stated on the assignment homework assignments can be programmed in the language of your choice but have to compile and run on omega. If partial code is provided, however, it will generally be only provided in a limited number of languages. Additional details will be announced in class.

E-mail and WWW page:
There is a course web page at$\sim$huber/cse4308 . All changes and supplementary course materials will be available from this site. In addition, necessary changes or important announcements will also be distributed by e-mail. In order to receive class-related messages you have to send an e-mail to the instructor ( Please make sure to include the course number (CSE 4308 or CSE 5360) in the subject of the email.

Tentative Office Hours:
Office hours for the course will be held by the instructor in 522 ERB,
Tu 11:00-12:00, Th 2:00-3:00, or by appointment. The first office hours will be Tuesday, August 27. Times are subject to change and will be posted on the course page. If for some reason you can not make it to any of these office hours, please inform the instructor.
Teaching Assistant:
The Teaching Assistant for the course will be Vamsikrishna Gopikrishna. His office ours will be held in ERB 540, Mo 3:30-5:00 and We 3:00-4:30. His contact email address is (please include the course number - CSE 4308 or CSE 5360 - in the subject of the email).

Manfred Huber