Quick Tutorial to use the Lego mindstorms with CLIPS for the Robot Project

CSE 4392 / CSE 5392 Smart Home Technologies

Spring 2006

For the robotics project, a number of robot control rules and functions have been integrated into CLIPS to permit to remotely control a Lego Mindstorms robot.

Setting Up the Robot

A number of programs are provided in the /home/public/Project directory of the computers in the course laboratory.

To run the robot, the software has to be loaded onto the robot first using firmdl3 legOS.srec followed by dll remote_robot.lx . Loading of software as well as communication happens using infrared communications between the IR tower connected to the PC and the robot. It is importand that throughout the IR tower has to face the robot's IR port to facilitate the exchange of information. This might require moving the IR tower while the robot is running. The robot and the CLIPS simulation will not operate when there is no IR connection between the PC and the robot.

Once the robot software is loaded, it will stay on the robot until the batteries are replaced. Turning off the robot will not remove the software. To start the program on the robot, turn it on and press the Start button. To stop the program, press the Prgrm button on the robot. While the program is running it will always display the type of the last remote control command that it received (data, move, turn). To complete the the communication between the PC and the robot, the lnpd deamon has to be run on the PC using lnpd -d . You have to make sure that only one instance of lnpd is running on the computer at any time.

The Remote Control Capabilities and CLIPS

The remote control functionality integrated into CLIPS provides three basic functions and three rules to control the robot.



These provide the ability to set up CLIPS rules that track and control the robot.