Assignment Submission Guidelines
Assignment Submission Guidelines
All assignment should be submitted electronically by uploading your documents (programs) to Canvas.
Naming your documents for submission
The name of all the documents that you prepare for submission must have the following format (unless otherwise stated explicitly):
nn    is the assignment number (start with 00)
kk     is the document number within that particular assignment (start with 01)
xxx  is the extension of the file.
Submitting your assignment
  1. At the top of each document or source code include the following lines  
# Your name (last name, first name)
# Your student ID (100x_xxx_xxx)
# Date of submission (yyyy_mm_dd)
# Assignment_nn_kk
  1. Put your source document(s) in a folder named:  "YourLastName_nn", where "nn" is the assignment number. Compress the document using zip, and upload the zipped version to Canvas. Even if you are only submitting a single document, you still need to put it in a directory and zip that directory to upload it.
  • Mr. John Doe is uploading his assignment 01. His assignment 01 includes one Python file (main program), one supporting python file, and one pdf file. He should name his files as:
  • Doe_01_03.pdf    
He shebould put all the files in a directory called "Doe_01" , then zip the directory, and upload the "" file to  Canvas.
Example of the format at the top of the first (main) program (  for Mr. John Doe :
# Doe, John
# 1000_123_456
# 2024_09_01
# Assignment_01_01
Example of the format at the top of the supporting Python file ( for Mr. John Doe :
# Doe, John
# 1000_123_456
# 2024_09_01
# Assignment_01_02
Example of the format at the top of the pdf file (Doe_01_03.pdf) for Mr. John Doe :
# Doe, John
# 1000_123_456
# 2024_09_01
# Assignment_01_03
  • The first four lines on the top of the documents, as well as the file names are used by an automated program to sort and organize all the class assignments. The format of these four lines MUST be exactly as specified. Assignments that do not follow these formatting conventions will not be accepted.
  • Assignment and document numbers MUST be represented with two digits, i.e, ""
  • The document number (kk) for the main program must be 01. For the above example the file "" includes the main program.
  • Underline symbol "_" is not the same as dash "-".
  • You may delete, overwrite, modify and resubmit your files as many times as you wish at anytime before the deadline.
  • You can download the program that automatically checks the format of the submissions here