Assignment 02 (Due date: Feb. 25, 2024)
Neural Networks
Assignment 02
Due date: Feb. 25, 2024
Multi-Layer Neural Network with Tensorflow
The goal of this assignment is to implement a multi-layer neural network model using Tensorflow (without using Keras) .
To begin this assignment download the and unzip it in your computer.
  • The neural network model in this assignment is a multi-layer of neurons with multiple nodes in each layer.
  • Your code should be using Tensorflow and numpy. DO NOT use Keras or tf.layers() or any other high-level API, package or library.
  • DO NOT alter/change the name of the function or the parameters of the function.
  • You may introduce additional functions (helper functions) as needed. All the helper functions should be put in the same file with multi_layer_nn_tensorflow()  function.
  • The comments in the multi_layer_nn_tensorflow()  function provide additional information that should help with your implementation.
  • The "" file includes a very minimal set of unit tests for the file. The assignment grade will be based on your code passing these tests (and other additional tests).
  • You may modify the "" to include more tests. You may also add additional tests to help you during development of your code.
  • DO NOT submit the "" file when submitting your Assignment_02
  • You may run these tests using the command:      py.test --verbose
  • Submit the output of running the test cases as a separate text file as part of your submission.
The following is roughly what your output should look like if all tests pass PASSED                   [ 10%] PASSED                    [ 20%] PASSED          [ 30%] PASSED                    [ 40%] PASSED              [ 50%] PASSED              [ 60%] PASSED                       [ 70%] PASSED             [ 80%] PASSED            [ 90%] PASSED                          [100%]
======================== 10 passed, 1 warning in 5.80s ======================== 
Process finished with exit code 0
 Grading Criteria
  • Your submitted function will be tested with multiple test units.
  • Passing the tests - 80 points
  • Qualitative Evaluation - 20 points (Grader may examine your code and subjectively award as many as 20 points.)
Submission Guidelines
  • The first four lines of any submitted file must follow the following format according to the assignment submission guidelines.
# Your name (last name, first name)
# Your student ID (100x_xxx_xxx)
# Date of submission (yyyy_mm_dd)
# Assignment_nn_kk
  • Change the name of the file according to the submission guidelines.
  • Create a directory and name it according to the submission guidelines and include your file in that directory.
  • Zip the directory and upload it  to Canvas according to the submission guidelines.