Lab Assignment # 4, CSE 1320 Sections 501, Summer 2005


Due Date:             Section 501 –      August 10th at exam time

Extra credit – 2 points per day extra credit for early turn in up to one week (15 points max)

(see instructions on website for how to turn this in)


Topic objectives:       Conditional compilation

                                        File input

                                        Command line parameters

                                        Singly linked lists

                                        (Plus all the stuff you’ve already done)


For this last system upgrade you will be changing where the input comes from and how the data is stored in memory.  You will still be using the same structs as in Lab #2. with some additional members as described below.  However, the input data will be in a file whose name is passed in from the command line and rather than storing the input data in an array of structs, you will be creating a linked list of structs.


The struct must hold the following pieces of data:  (Additional details are given below)

Lab #4

a.       A pointer to the name of the venue

b.       Transportation type using the same codes as Lab # 1

c.        Transportation cost

d.       Transportation details string

e.        Accommodation type using the same codes as Lab # 1

f.         Accommodation cost

g.       Accommodation details string

h.       Average cost of one meal

i.         Number of people who will stay at the destination for 2 days and 2 nights

j.         Departure date in mm dd yyyy format

k.       Total cost per venue (calculated by your program)

l.         Average cost per person in the entourage (calculated by your program)

m.     Total revenue per venue (calculated by your program)

n.       A pointer to another struct of this same type used to link the list


The input file will have one piece of data on each line for struct members a. – i. and will have three (3) numbers on one line in mm dd yyyy format for item j.  The data for line a. will be the string giving the name of the destination.   No data will be in the file for items k. – n.  The destination for the first venue will be the first line of the file and the line immediately following the date for the first venue (item j.) will be the destination (item a.) for the second venue.  There will be no blank lines between the venues in the file.


Your program should be designed to be conditionally compiled.  Declare a flag called LIST to use in order to compile your program and store the structures as a linked list.  If the flag is NOT declared, your program should compile and read data into an array of structs as you have been doing (note this means that you still have to read from the file either way so you may want to read into a temporary structure and then assign that struct into your array or list).  NOTE: if you do not wish to implement the conditional compilation ( a 10 point deduction) then make your Lab #4 work ONLY with linked lists as defined in all the tasks.


Your program will read the input data from the file into either a linked list of structs that are dynamically allocated as needed or an array based on the flag LIST.  For the linked list, the first struct to be created will be the head of the linked list initially.  The other structs will be added to the list in order sorted by destination name (item a.).  Each struct will be linked to the next by the venue struct pointer member.  For the array, your program would just store the data in the order it is read in as you have been doing.


You will need to modify your program so that the tasks for Lab#2 can now be performed on the linked list of data. Since you can compile your program with linked lists or arrays, you should have one version of the task for an array and another version for the linked list and compile those in based on the flag. You do NOT have the revise the Lab#3 tasks like the sorts - just leave them for use with the arrays not with the linked list.



Lab #4 tasks for linked lists:

1.     Calculate the total cost for the venue as in Lab #1 and store in the struct.

  1. Calculate an average per person cost for the venue as total cost over total number of entourage members.  Store this in the struct.
  2. Calculate and store total revenue for the venue using the formula as before.
  3. Print (to the screen) a venue comparison which gives the destination, the type of transportation (in words, e.g. “traveling by RV”) and its cost, the transportation details from the string the user input, the type of accommodation (in words, e.g. “staying in the  RV”) and its cost, the accommodation details from the string the user input, the departure date and the total number of people in the entourage, the total venue cost, the average per peson cost, and the total venue revenue.  The comparison should be formatted as if it were to be printed on paper and should be clear and easy to read.  It should have some sort of header indicating what your program is for and what the information on the page is for.


After printing the comparison sheets for all of the venues, you should also allow the user to perform the following tasks::


Lab #4 tasks for linked lists:

  1. Allow the user to stop running the program.  Print a concluding message and then end the program.
  2. Print a summary of all of the venue destinations, total revenues, and average per person costs in a list.  Print each venue and its costs on a separate line and number each line.  This is called the summary page.
  3. Allow the user to enter a dollar amount and then use linear search to go through the venue struct linked list or array and print out for the user all the venues that produce revenue over that amount.  Make sure to label the output
  4. Print a list of venue destinations for the user (the summary) and let them find out the average per person cost from combining two venues, i.e. if the user chooses venues 1 and 3, then give them an average per person cost using total cost of venue 1 cost plus venue 3 cost minus the cheaper of half of each of the two transportation costs.  (Make sure to check that the same number of people were in both entourages at the venues and accommodate for different numbers if they exist.)  Label your output.

Combined per person cost of venues a and b =

[Total cost venue a +

Total cost venue b -

Minimum ((Transportation cost of a / 2) or (Transportation cost of b / 2))]

    Divided by number of entourage members


After this is done, your program must allow the user to perform other tasks with the linked list or array until the user wishes to stop the program.  If the user is finished, print a concluding message and then end the program.


Implementation requirements:

The program should use the following data structures:

Singly linked sorted list of venue structures


The program should use the following control structures:

Command line parameters

Function calls to perform the tasks

Conditional compilation

The program should NOT use the following control structures:

breaks outside of switch structures






The program should be implemented as a set of functions with at least one function for getting input from the file and sorting it into the linked list, one for printing the venue data from the list, one for searching and one for performing calculations.  You may use more functions than this but you must use at least this many. 


The program should perform the following actions in the given order:

Declare and initialize the variables

Print a welcome screen for the user that introduces the system

Get the needed input data from the keyboard (if any)

Print the appropriate outputs

Let the user enter additional values until the user indicates that they are finished.


The program should have a program header which gives, at least, your name, an email address where you can easily be contacted, the number of the lab assignment, your class and section, the assignment date, the due date, and a description of the program.  If multiple files are used, each file should contain a similar header. 


Each programmer-defined function, i.e. each function you write, should have a function header similar to those used in the examples in the textbook.  This header should include at least the function name, the purpose of the function, and its inputs and outputs.


This program must be run with three different sets of data.  The first data set (data set 1) should use the values given below put into a file.  You must also create two additional data sets in two different files and run your program with them as well.  You may run it three times within a single execution or you may execute the program three different times so that you have a total of three different data sets.  The sample data sets that you create must meet the guidelines given in the problem definition.


The program output must be recorded in a script file from OMEGA using the gcc compiler.  If you do not know how to create a script file after reviewing the instructions on the class website, it is your responsibility to ask the TA or OIT how to use this function.  


Sample input values for data set 1:   



Trans type

Trans cost

Accom. type

Acc cost

Avg meal $

Num people


Dallas, TX








Cozumel, Mexico

cruise ship


cruise ship





London, England








Baton Rouge, LA



rent house





Branson, MO

tour bus


tour bus





Waco, TX








Chicago, IL








Los Angles, CA

tour bus















Austin, TX








Lab #4 Grading scale:

Code:     (70%)

                Headers, Style, Modularity (8 points)

Program header and function headers for all functions           

Style (indentation, consistency, meaningful identifiers, lateral separation of code from line comments, etc.)

Modularity (division of the problem into small tasks, each one assigned to its own function and called from main() or from another function when appropriate--do not code the entire program in main!)  Appropriate minimum number of functions.

Correct use of conditional compilation  (10 points)

Correct use of command line parameters (8 points)

Correct manipulation of files for input (10 points)

Correct manipulation of the structs to create a linked list  (12 points)

Correct manipulation of the structs to create a sorted linked list  (10 points)

Correct manipulation of menus and choices (4 points)

Correct implementation of linear search for linked list (8 points)

Output:          (30%)

                User clearly understands what is being requested for input or menu selection (5 points)

                Each task performs mathematically correctly (7 points)

                Searching and summary tasks are performed  correctly on linked lists (5 points)

                Output gives clear information to explain the values to the user (5 points)

                Output contains all the sample data and two additional data sets  (8 points



Deductions for Lab #4:

                Use of continue will result in a 20 point deduction

                Use of a break outside of a switch statement will result in a 20 point deduction

                Use of global variables will result in an overall grade of 0 (zero)

                        NOTE: The use of global declarations of structs and data types is allowed.

                Use of goto or exit will result in an overall grade of 0 (zero)

                A program that compiles with warnings or errors will result in an overall grade of 0 (zero)

                Late submission of softcopy to appropriate TA will result in an overall grade of 0 (zero) (without prior instructor approval)

                Use of C language elements not yet discussed in class by the lab due date will result in potential deduction of points – discuss with instructor before using.