We will use the NetBeans IDE (Interactive Development Environment) as the primary tool for code development in this class. Your code will need to compile and run under the NetBeans Java SE 7.4 environment.
You can access NetBeans at netbeans.org. You should download the IDE to your machine to do your development.
Come to class! It's fun!
Powerpoints from class are here on GUIs and JVM
Here are some notes and old tests to help you study:
Old finals to practice with and their answer keys are all in
Word format
Midterm key is here in
Word format
web format
Short list of midterm topics in
Word format
and in
Sample test from a previous semester in
Word format
and in
HTML format
Midterm test #1 from previous semester in
Word format
and in
HTML format
Midterm test #2 from previous semester in
Word format
and in
HTML format
Link to
Blackboard at elearn.uta.edu
Use Blackboard for submitting homework.
This is a link
to find copies of the examples Dr. T does in class.
She will try to keep this updated but remind her if she forgets. (last updated 3/28)
Spring 14 Assignments
References you will ABSOLUTELY need for Java:
for class assignments.
Lab #4 Assignment for Spring 2014
as an ugly web page
as a MS Word doc.
Turn in assignment on Blackboard. (Assignment also posted there.)
For Lab 4, use the revised Lab 3 input files below:
Revised Lab 3 input files for testing are in the following directories:
Test Files set 1
Test Files set 2
Java Platform, Standard Edition 7, API Specification
Java Platform, Standard Edition 7 Documentation
Note that I'm linking to the Edition 7 information here even though there is now an Edition 8.
CSE1325 Syllabus as
Word doc
or slightly ugly web page Posted 18 Dec. 2013
To be posted ![]() |
Ethics statement
If you did not sign this in class, then print it on one page, sign, and bring to the next class |
See TA and Instructor contact
info below this table |
Section 001 - Dr. Tiernan
Section 001 - Dr. Tiernan
Get help from:
TA: Luan Nguyen
Class instructor:
Dr. Carter Tiernan
For questions, e-mail:
Office Hours:
Wednesday and Friday from 4pm to 5:30pm
Mon, Tues, and Thurs 2:00pm - 4:00pm
(but subject to change)
E-mail for an appt if needed.
ERB 556 (the Engineering Research Building)
NH 620
For design documents
and lab assignments, submit to:
See the Course Materials link and look for the
appropriate place to upload the parts of your assignment.
The following on-line books may or will be referenced
during the semester:
The Art and Science of Java, Preliminary Draft, Eric S.
Roberts, 2006.
Available at http://people.reed.edu/~jerry/121/materials/artsciencejava.pdf and other sites.
Supplemental material is
available at http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~eroberts/books/ArtAndScienceOfJava/
Karel the Robot Learns Java, Eric S. Roberts, 2005.
Available at http://www.stanford.edu/class/cs106a/handouts/karel-the-robot-learns-java.pdf .
Think Java,
How to Think Like a Computer Scientist, Allen B. Downey, 5.1.2 .
Available at http://www.greenteapress.com/thinkapjava/thinkapjava.pdf .
You can also buy a printed copy at www.lulu.com for
less than $25 if you prefer that.
Java SE Technical Documentation. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/index.html .
Technical specs, API docs, tutorials
and more.
Thinking in Java, 3rd Edition, Revision 4.0, Bruce Eckel.
Available at http://www.mindviewinc.com/Books/downloads.html
Other available online textbooks for reference:
Blue Pelican Java, Charles E. Cook.
Available from http://www.bluepelicanjava.com/ . Also has free Java videos
and other material.
Introduction to Programming
Using Java, Sixth Edition,
Version 6.0.1 July 2012, David J. Eck.
Online textbook at http://math.hws.edu/javanotes/ . You can download a PDF also.
Optional book also used for reference:
Java How to Program 9/e, Deitel and Deitel. Will be
used during class but is not required.
(Most inexpensive version I saw
was on eBay for an International version for about $45.)
Copyright Tyger Design, Inc. Web page created by Tyger Design.