program pl0(input , output); (* Daniel Lain 100768056 Lab 4 4/11/13 *) (*obtained from*) (*pl/0 compiler with code generation*) (* 0 3302 Lab 1, Spring 2013 BPW - add simple I/O 0 1. "in" stream may be used anywhere an r-value may be used. 0 2. "out" stream may be used anywhere an l-value may be used. 0 3. Input is taken to be one integer per line. 0 -999999 terminates the input stream and is only passed on once. 0 Second -999999 will abort. "?" is the prompt. 0 4. Output is one integer per line. 0 Each output line starts with "!". 0 5. The output stream does not terminate. 0 6. Code listing and trace for "sto" have been disabled. 0 7. The range check for error(30) has been corrected. 0 8. "in" and "out" are identifiers for the two streams. Like the 0 rest of PL/0, these may be masked by other declarations. 0 *) const norw = 11; (*no. of reserved words*) txmax = 100; (*length of identifier table*) kmax = 8; (*max. no. of digits in numbers, changed from nmax BPW*) al = 10; (*length of identifiers*) feedbacklevel = 0; (* feedback level 1 list code 2 list generated code and vars 3 list level 1 + 2 any other value no trace*) (*amax = 2047;*) (*maximum address-removed BPW*) nmax = 99999999; (*maximum value allowed in source program BPW*) levmax = 7; (*maximum depth of block nesting*) cxmax = 5000; (*size of code array*) (*type symbol =*) nul = 1; ident = 2; number = 3; plus = 4; minus = 5; times = 6; slash = 7; oddsym = 8; eql = 9; neq = 10; lss = 11; leq = 12; gtr = 13; geq = 14; lparen = 15; rparen = 16; comma = 17; semicolon = 18; period = 19; becomes = 20; beginsym = 21; endsym = 22; ifsym = 23; thensym = 24; whilesym = 25; dosym = 26; callsym = 27; constsym = 28; varsym = 29; procsym = 30; constant = 1; varible = 2; proc = 3; instream = 4; outstream = 5; lit = 1; opr = 2; lod = 3; sto = 4; cal = 5; int = 6; jmp = 7; jpc = 8; rdi = 9; wro = 10; mov = 11; pop = 12; type alfa = array [] of char; symset = array [1..30] of integer; (* BPW - make all integers long, avoids problems like unreachable code for errors *) instruction = record f: integer; (*function code*) l: integer; (*level*) a: (*0..amax*) integer (*displacement address*) end; (* lit 0,a : load constant a opr 0,a : execute operation a lod l,a : load varible l,a sto l,a : store varible l,a 0 cal l,a : call procedure a at level l 0 int 0,a : increment t-register by a 0 jmp 0,a : jump to a 0 jpc 0,a : jump conditional to a 0 rdi 0,0 : read from instream 0 wro 0,0 : write to outstream *) var ch: char; (*last character read*) i:integer; sym: integer; (*last symbol read*) addindex: integer; (* index to start adding to an array*) addsym: symset; id: alfa; (*last identifier read*) procName: alfa; num: integer; (*last number read*) backCounter: integer; cc: integer; (*character count*) ll: integer; (*line length*) kk, err: integer; wordtest: integer; cx: integer; (*code allocation index*) line: array [1..81] of char; a: alfa; code: array [0..cxmax] of instruction; word: array [1..norw] of alfa; wsym: array [1..norw] of integer; ssym: array [0..255] of integer; mnemonic: array [1..12] of array [1..3] of char; declbegsys, statbegsys, facbegsys: symset; table: array [0..txmax] of record name: alfa; kind: integer; val: integer; level,vars, adr: integer (*instream & outstream have no fields*) end; procedure checkword(w1, w2: alfa); var i,j:integer; begin j:=0; for i:=1 to al do begin if ((w1[i]w2[i]) and (j=0)) then begin wordtest :=1; j:=1 end; end; if j=0 then wordtest:=0; end;(* checkword*) procedure error(n: integer); begin writeln(' ****',' ': cc-1, '^',n: 2); err := err+1 end (*error*); procedure getsym; var i,j,k: integer; procedure getch; begin if cc = ll then begin if eof(input) then begin writeln(' program incomplete'); (*goto 99 halt(1)*) end; ll := 0; cc := 0; write(cx: 5,' '); while not eoln(input) do begin ll := ll+1; read(ch); write(ch); line[ll]:=ch end; writeln; readln; ll := ll + 1; line[ll] := ' '; end; cc := cc+1; ch := line[cc] end (*getch*); begin (*getsym*) while ch = ' ' do getch; if not((ch < 'a') or (ch > 'z')) then begin (*identifier or reserved word*) k := 0; repeat if k < al then begin k := k+1; a[k] := ch end; getch; until not(not((ch<'a') or (ch>'z')) or not((ch<'0') or (ch>'9'))); if k >= kk then kk := k else repeat a[kk] := ' '; kk := kk-1 until kk = k; id := a; i := 1; j := norw; repeat k := (i+j) div 2; checkword(id,word[k]); if wordtest <=0 then j:=k -1; if wordtest >=0 then i:=k +1; until i > j; if i-1 > j then sym := wsym[k] else sym := ident end else if not((ch<'0') or (ch>'9')) then begin (*number*) k := 0; num := 0; sym := number; repeat num := 10*num + (ord(ch)-ord('0')); k := k+1; getch until ((ch<'0') or (ch>'9')); if (k > kmax) or (num>nmax) then begin error(30); num:=0 (*BPW - so error is reported once*) end end else if ch = ':' then begin getch; if ch = '=' then begin sym := becomes; getch end else sym := nul; end else begin sym := ssym[ord(ch)]; getch end end (*getsym*); procedure gen(x: integer; y,z: integer); begin if cx > cxmax then begin writeln(' program too long'); (*goto 99 halt(1)*) end; code[cx].f := x; code[cx].l := y; code[cx].a := z; if ((feedbacklevel = 2) or (feedbacklevel= 3)) then begin write(' code generated '); for i:=1 to 3 do write(mnemonic[code[cx].f][i]); writeln(' ',code[cx].l, ' ',code[cx].a,' cx = ',cx); end; cx := cx + 1 end (*gen*); procedure getindex(s1: symset); var i,j:integer; begin j:=0; for i:=1 to 30 do if ((s1[i] = 0) and (j=0)) then j :=i; addindex :=j; end;(* getindex *) procedure test(s1,s2: symset; n: integer); var i,found :integer; begin found :=0; for i:=1 to 30 do if sym = s1[i] then found :=1; if found = 0 then begin error(n); getindex(s1); for i:=addindex to 30 do s1[i] := s2[i-addindex+1]; found := 0; while found = 0 do begin getsym; for i:=1 to 30 do if sym = s1[i] then found :=1; end end end; (*test*) (* 545 begin if not(sym in s1) then 545 begin error(n); s1 := s1 + s2; 545 while not(sym in s1) do getsym 545 end 545 end*) (*test*) procedure block(lev,tx,addDX: integer; fsys: symset); var dx: integer; (*data allocation index*) tx0: integer; (*initial table index*) cx0: integer; (*initial code index*) tempdx: integer; varCount: integer; addsym: symset; found: integer; procedure enter(k: integer); begin (*enter object1 into table*) tx := tx + 1; table[tx].name := id; table[tx].kind := k; case k of constant: begin if num > nmax then (*BPW - shouldn't happen!*) begin error(30); num :=0 end; table[tx].val := num; if ((feedbacklevel = 2) or (feedbacklevel =3))then begin write(' Name ='); for i:=1 to al do write(id[i]); write(' kind = constant'); writeln(' number = ', table[tx].val, ' tx= ',tx, ' dx= ',dx); end; end; varible: begin table[tx].level := lev; table[tx].adr := dx; dx := dx + 1; if ((feedbacklevel = 2) or (feedbacklevel =3))then begin write(' Name ='); for i:=1 to al do write(id[i]); write(' kind = varible'); writeln(' level = ',lev,' adr = ',dx-1,' tx= ',tx, ' dx= ',dx); end; end; proc: begin table[tx].level := lev; if ((feedbacklevel = 2) or (feedbacklevel =3))then begin write(' Name ='); for i:=1 to al do write(id[i]); write(' kind = procedure'); writeln(' lev = ', lev, ' tx = ', tx, ' dx= ',dx); end; end; (* shouldn't be called for instream or outstream*) end end (*enter*); function position(id: alfa): integer; var i: integer; begin (*find indentifier id in table*) table[0].name := id; i := tx; wordtest:=1; found:=0; for i:=tx downto 0 do begin checkword(table[i].name,id); if ((wordtest = 0) and (found=0)) then begin position:=i; found:=1 end; end; end (*position*); procedure constdeclaration; begin if sym = ident then begin getsym; if ((sym=eql)or(sym=becomes)) then begin if sym = becomes then error(1); getsym; if sym = number then begin enter(constant); getsym end else error(2) end else error(3) end else error(4) end (*constdeclaration*); procedure vardeclaration; begin if sym = ident then begin enter(varible); getsym end else error(4) end (*vardeclaration*); procedure listcode; var i,j: integer; begin (*list code generated for this block*) for i := cx0 to cx-1 do (* writeln(i:5, mnemonic[f]:5, 1:3, a:5) *) if ((feedbacklevel = 1) or (feedbacklevel =3))then begin write(i:5,' '); for j:=1 to 3 do write(mnemonic[code[i].f][j]); writeln(' ',code[i].l:3, code[i].a:5); (*corrected line above BPW*) end; end (*listcode*); procedure statement(fsys: symset); var i, cx1, cx2: integer; addsym: symset; procedure expression(fsys: symset); var addop: integer; addsym: symset; procedure term(fsys: symset); var mulop: integer; addsym: symset; procedure factor(fsys: symset); var i: integer; addsym: symset; begin test(facbegsys, fsys, 24); while ((sym = ident) or (sym = number) or (sym = lparen)) do begin if sym = ident then begin i:= position(id); if i = 0 then error(11) else case table[i].kind of constant: gen(lit, 0, table[i].val); varible: gen(lod, lev-table[i].level, table[i].adr); proc: error(21); instream: gen(rdi, 0, 0); (*bpw*) outstream: error(21) (*bpw*) end; getsym end else if sym = number then begin if num > nmax then (*BPW - shouldn't happen*) begin error(30); num := 0 end; gen(lit, 0, num); getsym end else if sym = lparen then begin getsym; getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex]:=rparen; expression(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1]:=0; if sym = rparen then getsym else error(22) end; addsym[1] := lparen; if varCount = 0 then test(fsys, addsym, 23); addsym[1] := 0; (*test(fsys, [lparen], 23);*) end end (*factor*); begin (*term*) getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex]:=times; fsys[addindex+1]:=slash; factor(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1]:=0; fsys[addindex -2]:=0; while ((sym = times)or (sym = slash)) do begin mulop:=sym; getsym; getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex]:=times; fsys[addindex+1]:=slash; factor(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1]:=0; fsys[addindex -2]:=0; if mulop=times then gen(opr,0,4) else gen(opr,0,5) end end (*term*); begin (*expression*) if ((sym = plus) or (sym = minus)) then begin addop := sym; getsym; getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex] := plus; fsys[addindex +1] := minus; term(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1] := 0; fsys[addindex -2] := 0; if addop = minus then gen(opr, 0,1) end else begin getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex] := plus; fsys[addindex +1] := minus; term(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1] := 0; fsys[addindex -2] := 0; end; while ((sym=plus)or(sym=minus)) do begin addop := sym; getsym; getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex] := plus; fsys[addindex +1] := minus; term(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1] := 0; fsys[addindex -2] := 0; if addop=plus then gen(opr,0,2) else gen(opr,0,3) end end (*expression*); procedure condition(fsys: symset); var relop: integer; begin if sym = oddsym then begin getsym; expression(fsys); gen(opr, 0, 6); end else begin getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex] := eql; fsys[addindex +1] := neq; fsys[addindex +2] := lss; fsys[addindex +3] := gtr; fsys[addindex +4] := leq; fsys[addindex +5] := geq; expression(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1] := 0; fsys[addindex -2] := 0; fsys[addindex -3] := 0; fsys[addindex -4] := 0; fsys[addindex -5] := 0; fsys[addindex -6] := 0; if not((sym = eql) or (sym = neq) or (sym = lss) or (sym = leq) or (sym = gtr) or (sym = geq)) then error(20) else begin relop := sym; getsym; expression(fsys); case relop of eql: gen(opr, 0, 8); neq: gen(opr, 0, 9); lss: gen(opr, 0, 10); geq: gen(opr, 0, 11); gtr: gen(opr, 0, 12); leq: gen(opr, 0, 13); end end end end (*condition*); begin (*statement*) if sym = ident then begin i := position(id); if i = 0 then error(11) else (*BPW - modified for streams*) if (table[i].kind <> varible) and (table[i].kind <> outstream) then begin (*assignment to non-varible*) error(12); i := 0 end; getsym; if sym = becomes then getsym else error(13); expression(fsys); if i <> 0 then if table[i].kind = varible then gen(sto, lev-table[i].level, table[i].adr) else gen(wro,0,0) (*BPW, for outstream*) end else if sym = callsym then begin getsym; if sym <> ident then error(14) else begin i := position(id); if i = 0 then error(11) else if table[i].kind=proc then begin (* gen(cal, lev-level, adr);*) getsym; procName := table[i].name; varCount :=0; if table[i].vars <> 0 then begin if sym <> lparen then error(6); getsym; while varCount <> table[position(procName)].vars do begin varCount := varCount+1; expression(fsys); if sym = comma then getsym; end; tempdx := varCount; if sym <> rparen then error(6) else getsym; end; gen(cal, lev-table[i].level, table[i].adr); gen(pop, 0, varCount); varCount :=0; end else error(15); end end else if sym = ifsym then begin getsym; getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex]:=thensym; fsys[addindex +1]:=dosym; condition(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1]:=0; fsys[addindex -2]:=0; if sym = thensym then getsym else error(16); cx1 := cx; gen(jpc, 0, 0); statement(fsys); code[cx1].a := cx end else if sym = beginsym then begin getsym; getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex]:=semicolon; fsys[addindex +1]:=endsym; statement(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1]:=0; fsys[addindex -2]:=0; while ((sym = semicolon)or(sym=beginsym)or(sym=callsym)or(sym=ifsym)or(sym=whilesym)) do begin if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(10); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex]:=semicolon; fsys[addindex +1]:=endsym; statement(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1]:=0; fsys[addindex -2]:=0; end; if sym = endsym then getsym else error(17) end else if sym = whilesym then begin cx1 := cx; getsym; getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex]:=dosym; condition(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1]:=0; cx2 := cx; gen(jpc, 0, 0); if sym = dosym then getsym else error(18); statement(fsys); gen(jmp, 0, cx1); code[cx2].a := cx end; addsym[1]:=0; test(fsys, addsym, 19); end (*statement*); begin (*block*) dx:=3 + addDX; tx0:=tx - addDX; table[tx - addDX].adr:=cx; gen(jmp,0,0); varCount:=0; (*if addDX > 0 then else 2176 begin 2176 backCounter:= 1; 2176 while addDX > 0 do 2176 begin 2176 gen(mov, addDX, table[tx0 + backCounter].adr); 2176 addDX := addDX - 1; 2176 backCounter := backCounter +1; 2176 end; 2176 end;*) if lev > levmax then error(32); repeat if sym = constsym then begin getsym; repeat constdeclaration; while sym = comma do begin getsym; constdeclaration end; if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(5) until sym <> ident end; if sym = varsym then begin getsym; repeat vardeclaration; while sym = comma do begin getsym; vardeclaration end; if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(5) until sym <> ident; end; while sym = procsym do begin getsym; if sym = ident then begin enter(proc); procName :=id; varCount :=0; getsym; tempdx := dx; if sym = lparen then begin getsym; (*lev := lev +1;*) if sym <> rparen then (*while sym <> rparen do*) begin lev := lev +1; dx:=3; vardeclaration; varCount := varCount + 1; while sym = comma do begin getsym; vardeclaration; varCount := varCount + 1; end end; lev := lev - 1; table[position(procName)].vars := varCount; if ((feedbacklevel = 2) or (feedbacklevel =3))then writeln(' vars = ',table[position(procName)].vars); getsym; procName[1] := ' '; end else table[position(procName)].vars :=0;(*error(6)*) end else error(4); if sym = semicolon then getsym else error(5); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex]:=semicolon; block(lev+1, tx,varCount, fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1]:=0; dx :=tempdx; if sym = semicolon then begin getsym; addsym[1] := beginsym; addsym[2] := callsym; addsym[3] := ifsym; addsym[4] := whilesym; addsym[5] := ident; addsym[6] := procsym; test(addsym,fsys,6); addsym[1] := 0; addsym[2] := 0; addsym[3] := 0; addsym[4] := 0; addsym[5] := 0; addsym[6] := 0; end else error(5) end; addsym[1] := beginsym; addsym[2] := callsym; addsym[3] := ifsym; addsym[4] := whilesym; addsym[5] := ident; test(addsym, declbegsys, 7); addsym[1] := 0; addsym[2] := 0; addsym[3] := 0; addsym[4] := 0; addsym[5] := 0; until not((sym = constsym) or (sym = varsym) or (sym = procsym)); if ((feedbacklevel = 2) or (feedbacklevel =3))then writeln('tx0 = ',table[tx0].adr,' cx = ',cx); code[table[tx0].adr].a := cx; begin table[tx0].adr := cx; (*start adr of code*) end; cx0 := cx; gen(int, 0, dx); if table[tx0].vars > 0 then begin varCount:=table[tx0].vars; backCounter:= 1; while varCount > 0 do begin gen(mov, varCount, table[tx0+backCounter].adr); varCount := varCount - 1; backCounter := backCounter +1; end; end; getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex]:=semicolon; fsys[addindex +1]:=endsym; statement(fsys); getindex(fsys); fsys[addindex -1]:=0; fsys[addindex -2]:=0; gen(opr, 0, 0); (*return*) addsym[1]:=0; test(fsys, addsym, 8); if ((feedbacklevel = 1) or (feedbacklevel = 3)) then listcode; (*BPW*) end (*block*); procedure interpret; const stacksize = 5000; var p,b,t: integer; (*program-, base-, topstack-registers*) i: integer; (*instruction register code reference *) s: array [1..stacksize] of integer; (*datastore*) inOpen: boolean; function base(l: integer): integer; var b1: integer; begin b1 := b; (*find base l levels down*) while l > 0 do begin (*write(' base(l) called with l = ',l);*) b1 := s[b1]; l := l - 1 end; (*writeln(' returned ',b1);*) base := b1 end (*base*); begin writeln(' start pl/0'); inOpen:=true; (*BPW*) t := 0; b := 1; p := 0; s[1] := 0; s[2] := 0; s[3] := 0; repeat i := p; p := p + 1; begin (* writeln(' ',f,' ',l,' ',a);*) case code[i].f of lit: begin t := t + 1; s[t] := code[i].a end; opr: case code[i].a of (*operator*) 0: begin (*return*) t := b - 1; p := s[t + 3]; b := s[t + 2]; end; 1: s[t] := -s[t]; 2: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := s[t] + s[t + 1] end; 3: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := s[t] - s[t + 1] end; 4: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := s[t] * s[t + 1] end; 5: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := s[t] div s[t + 1] end; 6: s[t] := ord(odd(s[t])); 8: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] = s[t + 1]) end; 9: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] <> s[t + 1]) end; 10: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] < s[t + 1]) end; 11: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] >= s[t + 1]) end; 12: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] > s[t + 1]) end; 13: begin t := t - 1; s[t] := ord(s[t] <= s[t + 1]) end; end; mov: begin s[b + code[i].a] :=s[b - code[i].l];(*Go l points below call and store in Varibale location a*) end; pop: begin t :=( t - (code[i].a)); end; lod: begin t := t + 1; s[t] := s[base(code[i].l) + code[i].a] end; sto: begin s[base(code[i].l)+code[i].a] := s[t]; (*writeln(s[t]); BPW*) t := t - 1 end; cal: begin (*generate new block mark*) (*s[t + 1] := base(l); s[t + 2] := b; s[t + 3] := p;*) s[t + 1] := base(code[i].l); s[t + 2] := b; s[t + 3] := p; b := t + 1; p := code[i].a end; int: t := t + code[i].a; jmp: p := code[i].a; jpc: begin if s[t] = 0 then p := code[i].a; t := t - 1 end; rdi: (* BPW - see lod *) begin if not(inOpen) then begin writeln('in abort'); (*halt(1)*) end; t := t + 1; write('? '); read(s[t]); if s[t]= (-999999) then inOpen:=false end; wro: (* BPW - see sto *) begin writeln('! ',s[t]); t := t - 1; end end end (*with, case*) until p = 0; write(' end pl/0'); end (*interpret*); begin (*main program*) (* for i := 0 to 255 do ssym[i] := nul;*) word[1][1]:='b'; word[1][2]:='e'; word[1][3]:='g'; word[1][4]:='i'; word[1][5]:='n'; for i:=6 to al do word[1][i]:=' '; word[2][1]:='c'; word[2][2]:='a'; word[2][3]:='l'; word[2][4]:='l'; for i:=5 to al do word[2][i]:=' '; word[3][1]:='c'; word[3][2]:='o'; word[3][3]:='n'; word[3][4]:='s'; word[3][5]:='t'; for i:=6 to al do word[3][i]:=' '; word[4][1]:='d'; word[4][2]:='o'; for i:=3 to al do word[4][i]:=' '; word[5][1]:='e'; word[5][2]:='n'; word[5][3]:='d'; for i:=4 to al do word[5][i]:=' '; word[6][1]:='i'; word[6][2]:='f'; for i:=3 to al do word[6][i]:=' '; word[7][1]:='o'; word[7][2]:='d'; word[7][3]:='d'; for i:=4 to al do word[7][i]:=' '; word[8][1]:='p'; word[8][2]:='r'; word[8][3]:='o'; word[8][4]:='c'; word[8][5]:='e'; word[8][6]:='d'; word[8][7]:='u'; word[8][8]:='r'; word[8][9]:='e'; word[8][10]:=' '; word[9][1]:='t'; word[9][2]:='h'; word[9][3]:='e'; word[9][4]:='n'; for i:=5 to al do word[9][i]:=' '; word[10][1]:='v'; word[10][2]:='a'; word[10][3]:='r'; for i:=4 to al do word[10][i]:=' '; word[11][1]:='w'; word[11][2]:='h'; word[11][3]:='i'; word[11][4]:='l'; word[11][5]:='e'; for i:=6 to al do word[11][i]:=' '; wsym[ 1] := beginsym; wsym[ 2] := callsym; wsym[ 3] := constsym; wsym[ 4] := dosym; wsym[ 5] := endsym; wsym[ 6] := ifsym; wsym[ 7] := oddsym; wsym[ 8] := procsym; wsym[ 9] := thensym; wsym[10] := varsym; wsym[11] := whilesym; ssym[ord('+')] := plus; ssym[ord('-')] := minus; ssym[ord('*')] := times; ssym[ord('/')] := slash; ssym[ord('(')] := lparen; ssym[ord(')')] := rparen; ssym[ord('=')] := eql; ssym[ord(',')] := comma; ssym[ord('.')] := period; ssym[ord('#')] := neq; ssym[ord('<')] := lss; ssym[ord('>')] := gtr; ssym[ord('[')] := leq; ssym[ord(']')] := geq; ssym[ord(';')] := semicolon; mnemonic[lit][1]:='l'; mnemonic[lit][2]:='i'; mnemonic[lit][3]:='t'; mnemonic[opr][1]:='o'; mnemonic[opr][2]:='p'; mnemonic[opr][3]:='r'; mnemonic[lod][1] := 'l'; mnemonic[lod][2] := 'o'; mnemonic[lod][3] := 'd'; mnemonic[sto][1] := 's'; mnemonic[sto][2] := 't'; mnemonic[sto][3] := 'o'; mnemonic[cal][1] := 'c'; mnemonic[cal][2] := 'a'; mnemonic[cal][3] := 'l'; mnemonic[int][1] := 'i'; mnemonic[int][2] := 'n'; mnemonic[int][3] := 't'; mnemonic[jmp][1] := 'j'; mnemonic[jmp][2] := 'm'; mnemonic[jmp][3] := 'p'; mnemonic[jpc][1] := 'j'; mnemonic[jpc][2] := 'p'; mnemonic[jpc][3] := 'c'; mnemonic[rdi][1] := 'r'; mnemonic[rdi][2] := 'd'; mnemonic[rdi][3] := 'i'; mnemonic[wro][1] := 'w'; mnemonic[wro][2] := 'r'; mnemonic[wro][3] := 'o'; mnemonic[pop][1] := 'p'; mnemonic[pop][2] := 'o'; mnemonic[pop][3] := 'p'; mnemonic[mov][1] := 'm'; mnemonic[mov][2] := 'o'; mnemonic[mov][3] := 'v'; declbegsys[1]:= constsym; declbegsys[2]:= varsym; declbegsys[3]:= procsym; statbegsys[1]:= beginsym; statbegsys[2]:= callsym; statbegsys[3]:= ifsym; statbegsys[4]:= whilesym; facbegsys[1]:= ident; facbegsys[2]:= number; facbegsys[3]:= lparen; (*page(output);*) err := 0; cc := 0; cx := 0; ll := 0; ch := ' '; kk := al; getsym; (*for in and out streams*) table[1].name[1]:='i'; table[1].name[2]:='n'; for i:=3 to al do table[1].name[i]:=' '; table[1].kind:=instream; table[2].name[1]:='o'; table[2].name[2]:='u'; table[2].name[3]:='t'; for i:=4 to al do table[2].name[i]:=' '; table[2].kind:=outstream; (*block(0, 0, [period]+declbegsys+statbegsys);*) addsym[1]:= period; addsym[2]:= constsym; addsym[3]:= varsym; addsym[4]:= procsym; addsym[5]:= beginsym; addsym[6]:= callsym; addsym[7]:= ifsym; addsym[8]:= whilesym; block(0, 2,0, addsym); if sym <> period then error(9); if err=0 then interpret else write(' errors in pl/0 program'); writeln end. procedure iloop(i); procedure jloop(j); procedure kloop(k); begin k:=k+1; out:=i+j+k; if k<3 then call kloop(k); if k=3 then call jloop(j) end; begin j:=j+10; if j<40 then call kloop(0); if j=40 then call iloop(i) end; begin i:=i+100; if i<400 then call jloop(0) end; begin call iloop(0) end.