\ Input is number of polygons, then the degree of each one \ Polygons are specified by clicks in the canvas \ Hit continue to start animation var polycount,count{10},x{100},y{100},ballindex,pointcount; procedure read; var i,j,k; begin polycount:=in; if polycount>10 then call die; call cvclear; i:=0; k:=0; while i10 then call die; j:=0; while j0 then call cvline(x{k-1},y{k-1},x{k},y{k}); k:=k+1; j:=j+1 end; call cvline(x{k-j},y{k-j},x{k-1},y{k-1}); i:=i+1 end; pointcount:=k; call stop end; procedure draw; var i,j,k; begin i:=0; k:=0; call cvclear; while i