To use the gcd code: gcd.c - should run anywhere, but the ¿ symbol is Unicode gcd.pas - Free Pascal compile on omega: /usr/local/bin/fpc gcd.s.pas - Pascal-S version (with input appended after source) On omega: pascals gcd.s.pas gcd.old.plz - PL/0 version On omega: cat gcd.plz | plzero (where fpc plzero.pas has already been done) - use gcd.html - success depends on your browser. Doing devious things with the input or the JavaScript is useful for getting insight with debugging. gcd.plg.txt - first version is for omega, second for prolog-in-JavaScript. On omega: Either include /usr/local/bin on your path (shell stuff) or execute with /usr/local/bin/gprolog. At the prompt: | ?- Enter: [user]. Now paste the three clauses that are the program: gcd2(A,A,A). gcd2(A,B,G) :- A>B, C is A-B, gcd2(C,B,G). gcd2(B,A,G) :- A>B, C is A-B, gcd2(C,B,G). followed by control-D. Next, enter the queries individually. Since Prolog can compute several answers, you need to hit return after each one. Use control-D to terminate the session. gcd.rkt - DrRacket is the easiest to use, but requires installation. gcd.sml.txt - works for both omega and SML-in-JavaScript On Omega: Either include /opt/sml/bin on your path (shell stuff) or execute with /opt/sml/bin/sml. Enter declarations/functions with copy-and-paste or load-and-go with: use "gcd.sml.txt";; SML-in-JavaScript: