Lab 2 Models from Lite Version of JavaView

Before JavaView Lite is able to run, a small compressed library of about 70kb is automatically downloaded. Rotate geometry by moving mouse inside viewer window and drag while left mouse button pressed.

Press right mouse button to select major interaction mode from popup menu, or use keyboard keys to temporarily switch between different modes (just keep a button pressed to switch mode temporarily). Some essential modes are:

o Rotate surface (this Orbit mode is the default mode)
s Scale surface, drag in vertical direction
t Translate surface in viewing plane
r Reset camera and display, object returns to default position

F1 or Ctrl-s

Show control window
Help With all keyboard shortcuts, and help on problems.

Note: JavaView Lite does not have a control panel or any other dialog. Its functionality is restricted in order to have fastest download and startup times.

  Swiped from => © 1999-2003 Last modified: 06.08.03  --- --- Konrad Polthier