CSE 6389 Advanced Topics in Machine Learning, Data Mining, and Computer Vision
Spring 2017
Dr. Heng Huang

[ Administrative Basics | Course Description | Syllabus ]

Administrative Basics

Meeting time

PH 207 | Mo 4:00PM-6:50PM

Heng Huang | ERB 533 | Office hours: Mon and Wed 2pm-4pm

CSE6363 Machine Learning; Optimization; Statistics.
Good notes
for reading

Submodular Optimization
Learning with Submodular Functions: A Convex Optimization Perspective
Practical Optimization
Online Convex Optimization
Stochastic Gradient Descent Tricks
Survey ADMM Paper
Deep Learning in Neural Networks: An Overview

Good books
for reading

Convex Optimization
Introductory Lectures on Convex Programming
Numerical Optimization
Efficient Methods in Convex Programming

Course Description

In this course, we will study the cutting-edge advanced research topics in machine learning and data mining by reading and discussing a set of research papers. The main objective of this course is to cover the underlying mathematical concepts and representative algorithms, paper reading, and implementation.


Paper List

First Category: Most papers in the first category are easier to read than papers in the second category
Second Category: You need better machine learning research background
Third Category: If you want to select papers different to the above papers, please send me your selected papers for checking. You should select papers from top conferences or journals, which were held within past three years.