4 Class Schedule

CSE 4309 / CSE 5361 - Artificial Intelligence II
Tentative Lecture and Assignment Schedule
Spring Semester 2013 - TTh 2:00 - 3:20

Class Date ReadingsLecture Topics Assignments

1 01/15 RN Ch. 1-2 Course Details and Overview

2 01/17 RN Ch. 3 Review - Search

3 01/22 RN Ch. 10.1-10.3 Review - Planning

4 01/24 RN Ch. 11.1-11.3 Review - Planning with Uncertainty

5 01/29 RN Ch. 13, 16.1-16.4 Representing Uncertainty - Probability and Decision Theory

6 01/31 RN Ch. 14.1-14.3 Uncertainty and Bayesian Networks

7 02/05 RN Ch 14.4 Bayesian Networks and Exact Inference

8 02/07 RN Ch. 14.5 Sampling-Based Inference Methods

9 02/12 RN Ch. 16.5 Decision Networks

10 02/14 RN Ch. 15.1-15.3 Markov Models Homework1 due

11 02/19 RN Ch. 15.5 Hidden Markov Models and Dynamic Bayesian Networks

12 02/21 RN Ch. 20.3.3 Hidden Markov Models

13 02/26 RN Ch. 17.1 Markov Decision Processes

14 02/28 RN Ch. 17.2-17.3 MDPs and Utility-Based Agents

15 03/05 RN Ch. 21.1-21.2 Learning Utilities for MDPs

16 03/07 RN Ch. 21.3 Learning Utilities in MDPs

03/12 Spring Vacation- No Class

03/14 Spring Vacation- No Class

17 03/19 RN Ch. 17.4 POMDPs

18 03/21 RN Ch. 15.4, 14.5.2 Belief State and Sequential Monte Carlo Tracking Homework 2 due

19 03/26 POMDPs and Belief-State Tracking

20 03/28 POMDP Learning

21 04/02 POMDP Learning

22 04/04 RN Ch. 23.1 Language Processing and Grammars

23 04/09 Language Processing and Grammars

24 04/11 RN Ch. 22.1 Probabilistic Language Processing and N-Gram Models Homework 3 due

25 04/16 RN Ch. 24.2 Basic Image Processing

26 04/18 RN Ch. 24.3.1 Image Processing and Appearance-Based Recognition

27 04/23 RN Ch. 4.1.4 Genetic Algorithms

28 04/25

29 04/30

30 05/02 Conclusions Homework 4 due (Data Set)

31 TBD
Project Presentation (Sample Projects)

This schedule is tentative and subject to change. If changes are necessary they will be announced in class and posted in the schedule on the course page.