Course Description

Contents and Objecives:
This course covers the theoretical foundations of Computer Science in the areas of propositional and predicate logic, mathematical proof techniques, sets, combinatorics, functions and relations, Boolean algebra, graphs, and graph algorithms.

Students successfully completing this course will have a clear understanding of selected fundamental formal theoretics and discrete mathematical concepts employed in problem abstraction and representation needed in the study of modern computer science, computer engineering and software engineering. They will also achieve familiarity and ease in working with mathematical notation and concepts and be able to understand and employ proof techniques, including domain-specific, mathematical induction and proof by contradiction, and be able to decide what the appropriate technique in a given situation is

All students are expected to have passed the courses Intermediate Programming (CSE 1320), Calculus I (Math 1426), and Problem Solving in Engineering (ENGR 1250) or an equivalent before attending this course.

Judith L. Gersting, Mathematical Structures for Computer Science, 7th edition, W.H. Freeman and Company, 2014.
Note that if you choose to use an earlier edition, it?s your responsibility to identify any differences in the editions.

Course Materials:
Additional course materials if needed will be available electronically through Canvas. Also, changes, if any, will be announced by e-mail.

E-mail and Canvas, and WWW page:
All changes and supplemental course materials will be distributed through Canvas. In addition, there will be a course web page at$\sim$huber/cse2315 as a secondary source that will be used to maintain an updated class schedule and post course materials.
Besides posts on Canvas, necessary changes or important announcements will also be distributed by e-mail from Canvas. To receive these e-mails you have to make sure that you read your UTA ( e-mails.

Tentative Office Hours:
Office hours for the course will be held by the instructor either in ERB 128 or in ERB 522,
M 11:00 - 12:00, and W 3:00 - 3:50. The first office hours will be held on Wednesday, August 21. Times are subject to change and will be posted. If for some reason you can not make it to any of these office hours, please inform the instructor.

When contacting the instructor by email, please indicate the course number in the subject line of the email.

GTA Information:
The Teaching Assistant for the course will be Shirin Shirvani. She will hold office hours in ERB 505 (or ERB 128), TTh 11:30-1:00.