- Attendance:
Students are expected to attend the lectures.
- Homework Assignments:
There will be 6 homework assignments in this course, each
covering approximately 4 class periods. Assignments are
due before class on the date indicated on the
assignment and solutions will be posted by the next class period.
Late assignments will not be accepted and
extensions will only be granted in extreme
situations. If you find yourself in such a situation
and can not deliver a homework on time, immediately
inform the instructor. Also, while working with other
persons on non-graded example problems from the textbook is a
good way to help you develop your understanding and
insight into the techniques of problem solving,
homework solutions must be your work only. Violations
of this will not be tolerated and result in severe
penalties for all parties involved.
Written portions of the assignment can be submitted either by handing them in in physical form to
the instructor or the teaching assistant or by submitting them electronically.
Programming portions of the assignments have to be submitted
in electronic form. All electronic submissions are due via Blackboard (http://elearn.uta.edu/) and have
to compile and run on the OIT machine omega unless permission is obtained from the instructor
or the teaching assistant.
- Exams:
All 3 exams in the course are closed book, closed
notes. The first 2 exams cover the content of the
indicated chapters in the book. The final exam is
cumulative and will cover all materials of the course
with an emphasis on the content not covered in the
previous exams. As in the case
of homework extensions, make-up exams will only be
given in extreme situations. If for any such reason
you can not attend an exam, inform the instructor as
early as possible.
- CSE 5360:
For students enrolled in the graduate section CSE
5360 the homework assignments, as well as the exam
will contain additional problems which are not
required for students of CSE 4308.
- Grading Policy:
Exams and homework assignments will contribute to the
overall grade in the following way:
Homework Assignments |
35 % |
Exam 1 |
20 % |
Exam 2 |
20 % |
Exam 3 |
25 % |
Final grades will be computed based on scores and overall class performances. Intermediate score to grade estimates will be provided to the students periodically. Intermediate sore to grade estimates are only intended as reference points and are not binding for the final grade assignment. However, final score to grade assignments are not going to assign grades lower than a traditional 10 point incremental scale (i.e.
C, ,
< 60 = F).
Manfred Huber