2 Assignments and Grading

Homework Assignments:
There will be 5 homework assignments in this course. These assignments will involve programming different agents within a common simulation environment. Assignments are due by 11:59pm on the date indicated on the assignment. Late assignments will not be accepted and extensions will only be granted in extreme situations. If you find yourself in such a situation and can not deliver a homework on time, immediately inform the instructor. Also, while working with other persons on non-graded example problems from the textbook is a good way to help you develop your understanding and insight into the techniques of problem solving, homework solutions must be your work only. Violations of this will not be tolerated and result in severe penalties for all parties involved.


The project will involve the design, implementation, and evaluation of an intelligent agent built using one or more of the techniques discussed throughout the course. Agents will compete in a simulated environment. There will be no extensions for the final project. As with homework assignments, all project work must be done individually.  

CSE 5361:

For students enrolled in the graduate section CSE 5361 the homework assignments will contain additional components which are not required for students of CSE 4309.

Grading Policy:

Homework assignments and the final project will contribute to the overall grade in the following way:

Homework Assignments70 %

Project 30 %