Academic Committees:
Managing Editor of International Journal of Functional Informatics and Personalised Medicine.
Organizing Chair of IEEE International Symposium on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering 2007 (IEEE-BIBE)
Special Session Chair of DNA Microarray Data Analysis session at IEEE International Symposium on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering 2007
Reviewer for Journals:
ACM Transactions on the WEB (TWEB)
The International Journal of Very Large Data
Bases (VLDB)
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in
Biomedicine (TITB)
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data
Engineering (TKDE)
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology
Machine Vision and Applications Journal
SIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for
Modeling and Simulation International
Reviewer for Conferences:
IEEE International Symposium on Bioinformatics & Bioengineering 2007.
International Conference on Medical Image
Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI, 2005, 2006,
Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
2004, 2006.
European Signal Processing Conference 2007.
Marker Gene Selection and Gene Regulatory
Elements Finding in Microarray Data Analysis, invited talk in
Bioinformatics Colloquium at University of Mass. at Dartmouth,
March, 2007.
Shape Analysis with Medical Image Analysis,
invited talk at Computer Science Department at Southern Methodist
University, Feruary, 2007.
Marker Gene Selection and Gene Regulatory
Elements Finding in Microarray Data Analysis, invited talk in
CREWMAN LAB at the UTA, February, 2007.
Shape Modeling to Medical Image Analysis, Ph.D.
thesis defense, Computer Science Department, Dartmouth College,
December, 2006.
Shape Modeling and Analysis for Biomedical
Informatics, invited talk in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, November,
Marker Gene Selection and Gene Regulatory
Elements Finding in Microarray Data Analysis, invited talk in
Computer Science Department at the University of New Orleans,
November, 2006.
Hemispherical Harmonic Surface Description and
Applications to Medical Image Analysis, presented at TDPVT 2006,
IEEE Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and
Transmission, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, June, 2006.
A Spatio-temporal Modeling Method for Shape
Representation, presented at TDPVT 2006, IEEE Symposium on 3D Data
Processing, Visualization and Transmission, Chapel Hill, North
Carolina, June, 2006.
Shape Modeling and Alignment: Applications to
Biomedical Informatics, invited talk in Computer Science
Department at the Old Dominion University, May, 2006.
Fast Surface Reconstruction for Ischemic Cardiac
Spatio-temporal Modeling, presented at SPIE Medical Imaging 2006:
Image Processing, San Diego, California, February,
Spatio-Temporal Analysis Tool for Modeling
Pulmonary Nodules in MR Images, presented at SPIE Medical Imaging
2006: Visualization, Image Guided Procedures, and Display, San
Diego, California, February, 2006.
Surface Alignment of 3D Spherical Harmonic
Models: Application to Cardiac MRI Analysis, presented at MICCAI
2005, 8th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and
Computer Assisted Intervention, Palm Springs, California, October,
A Prediction Framework for Cardiac
Resynchronization Therapy via 4D Cardiac Motion Analysis,
presented at MICCAI 2005, 8th International Conference on Medical
Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Palm Springs,
California, October, 2005.
Clustering Based Cardiac Resynchronization
Therapy Prediction using Open Source Toolkit PRTools, presented at
2005 MICCAI Workshop on Open-Source Software, Palm Springs,
California, October, 2005.
Shape Modeling for Medical Image Analysis, Ph.D.
thesis proposal talk, Computer Science Department, Dartmouth
College, June 2005.
A Clustering-based Approach for Prediction of
Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy, presented at SAC 2005, 20th ACM
Symposium on Applied Computing, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March,
Functional Analysis of Cardiac MR Images Using
SPHARM Modeling, presented at SPIE Medical Imaging 2005: Image
Processing, San Diego, California, February, 2005.
Efficient Similarity Retrieval for Temporal Shape
Sequences: A Case Study using Cardiac MR Images, presented at 26th
Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in
Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), San Francisco, California,
September, 2004.
A bipartite graph matching framework for finding
correspondences between structural elements in two proteins,
presented at 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE
Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), San Francisco,
California, September, 2004.
Shape Modeling for Cardiac MRI and Functional
Analysis, invited talk at the Dartmouth Advanced Imaging Center,
Dartmouth Medical School, June, 2004
Provable Type Safety for Low-level Programs,
Graduate colloquium talk, Computer Science Department, Dartmouth
College, May,