Course DescriptionThis course provides an overview of the Design and Analysis of Algorithms. Computer algorithms is at the heart of computer sciences. Algorithms are used everywhere, from operating systems to databases, to solving a variety of optimization problems. This course will cover all major areas of algorithms: sorting algorithms, greedy algorithms, graph algorithms, dynamical programming, maximum flow problems, string matching algorithms, geometric algorithms, and randomized algorithms. Besides above traditional algorithms, several state-of-art practical algorithms will be covered. Major ideas are introduced through examples and historical perspectives, so that students will have a grasp on the evolution and development of algorithms. Class projects are required to practice the algorithms learned in the class. After completing this course, students will have the ability to independently investigate a computational problem, design a practical algorithm to solve it and analyze the performance of the algorithm. GradesFinal letter grades will be assigned based on absolute percentage as follows: where [ ] denotes inclusion and ( ) denotes exclusion. The instructor reserves the right to move the thresholds down based on the distribution of final percentages, but they will not move up.
AssignmentsHomework 1 : Textbook, 2.2-1(page.29), 2.3-3 (page 39), 2.1 (page39), 3-1, 3-2, 3-6, 4.5-1(a, b), 4.5-4, 4-1(a,b), 30-3 Homework 1 Solution [PDF] Homework 2 : Textbook, 6.2-6, 6-2, 7.2-2, 7-1, 8.1-3, 8-3, 9-1, 12.3-3, 13.1-4, 13.1-5 Homework 2 Solution [PDF] Homework 3 : Textbook, 15.1-1, 15.1-2, 15.1-3, 15.2-4, 15.2-5, 16.1-1, 16.1-2, 16.1-3, 16.2-4, 16.3-1 Homework 3 Solution [PDF] Homework 4 : Textbook, 22.1-7, 22.2-5, 22.2-7, 22.4-3, 22-1, 23.1-4, 23.1-10, 24.1-3, 24.3-3, 24.3-4 Homework 4 Solution [PDF] Homework 5: Textbook, 25.1-3, 25.1-5, 25.2-6, 25.3-4, 25.3-6, 26.1-6, 26.2-1, 26.2-8, 26.2-9, 26.3-3 Homework 5 Solution [PDF]
Assignment Strategies: ProjectsImplementing and comparing the following algorithms. How their running times change with respect to data size? How their speed compare to each other in the cases with different data size? Can you improve their running time with your discovery? Which one is better in terms what conditions? Each group has one member. Each group should choose at least one project from the following projects. Each group should submit a project report and do a presentation in the class. Each member in the group should mention her/his contribution respectively. 1. Implement and compare the following sorting algorithm:
Other InformationAmericans with Disabilities ActAcademic IntegrityGrade Appeal PolicyIf you do not believe a grade on a particular assignment is correct, you may appeal the grade in writing (email) within 5 class days. Grade appeals must be ppealed to the appropriate GTA firstly, then to your instructor if necessary. Please refer to the UTA Catalog for the detailed guide of grade appeals. Student Support Services AvailableThe University of Texas at Arlington provides a variety of resources and programs to help you develop academic skills, deal with personal situations, better understand concepts and information related to their courses, and achieve academic success. These programs include major-based learning centers, developmental education, advising and mentoring, personal couneling, admission and transition, and federally funded programs. Students requiring assistance academically, personally, or socially should contact the Office of Student Success Programs at 817-272-6107 or visit for more information and appropriate referrals.Drop PolicyThe university withdrawal policy will be strictly adhered to. Up to the initial withdrawal date, all students will receive a W. The drops after the final withdrawal date will not be approved normally unless the student has already shown to complete the course work satisfactorily, etc.
Missed Exams, Quizzes, and Makeup Work If you miss an exam or quiz due to unavoidable
circumstances (e.g., health), you must notify the instructor via email
or meeting with him as soon as possible and request a makeup approval.
PLEASE let the instructor know ahead of time! Do NOT ask for make
up exams or other components if you missed an exam or a project due
to travel (except when you are required to travel to represent the
university or the department). Attendance though not mandatory, but
is HIGHLY encouraged. Class participation will directly affect
your grade in the 'Quizzes and Class Participation' component.
Ecacuation Map
AttentionStudents are responsible to check this webpage frequently! The instructor reserves the right to modify and/or change the above information about this course with reasonable notification to students.