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CSE 3318 - Resources: slides, code, references
- Useful materials and links:
High-level course overview and goals
- Linked lists intro(pdf, pptx)
Before this lecture, students are expected to have seen and implemented some functions for linked lists and have a strong understanding of pointers in C.
Linked Lists in C REVIEW - review of code relevant to Linked lists, steps for solving problems with loops (for linked lists), representation of memory (static and dynamic) for linked lists (pptx)
Here is a video (with subtitles) explaining pointers. link
I like the Stanford CS Education Library:
- Time Complexity
- Prerequisites (to review): code (executions of for loops, behavior of function calls), math (log, exponent, summations)
- Informal time complexity and motivation, insertion sort code
- Time complexity notes used in videos for:
- loops (pdf)
- worst, best, average cases (pdf , OneNote )
- Time complexity of loops 2024 slides (pptx )
- PRACTICE time complexity of loops
- Discussion of add operation for ArrayList in Java
(Here is some optional material, not required for class: slides on detailed instruction count: pptx, pdf ; and slides on exact calculation of the number of loop repetitions: pdf, pptx)
- Growth of functions - CLRS chapter 3 (all).
Examples of Algorithms (pdf
, pptx) - CLRS Chapters 1 and 2, - Sorting (properties, abstraction, selection sort, insertion sort, indirect sorting), searching.
If time permits, most likely not, interpolated search and proof of correctness of insertion sort.
Count sort, Bucket sort, Radix sort (the LSD method) ( pptx) - CLRS chapter 8. s
(more on radix sort- not required)
Merge sort - CLRS - Section 2.3 (Designing Algorithms).
- Master Theorem only
Recurrences - Solving recurrence formulas (pptx) - These slides have BOTH the Tree Method and the Master Theorem method.
Master Theorem on Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Master_theorem_(analysis_of_algorithms)
( The substitution method for recurrences is posted here . )
Recursion (pdf, pptx) - EXTRA topic (if time permits)
Students are expected to be able to write a recursive definition for a simple function like the factorial (N!).
- Quick sort (it includes the median-of-three example)
- Stacks (pdf, pptx )
- Amortized TC, resizing array TC, and add() operation for ArrayList in Java ( The old version of this document is here)
- FIFO Queues (pdf,pptx)
- Interesting topic, not covered: CLRS Chapter 10.3 (page 241) "Implementing pointers and objects". See their implementation of double-linked lists using arrays in sections: "A multiple array representation of objects", "A single array representation of objects" and "Allocating and freeing objects"
- Heaps (pdf , pptx)- CLRS Chapter 6.
- Java: PriorityQueue.
- lambda expression for greater than Comparator for Integer (best, flexible): Comparator<Integer> greater = (a, b) -> b-a;
- use the Collections class to get a comparator that reverses the order: Collections.reverseOrder()
- Binary Trees and Search Trees
- Binary Trees (theory only) ( pptx )
- Binary Trees (data structure, code) ( pptx )
- VisualAlgo - good visualization tool. Has code/pseudocode, shows code line executed and corresponding data update, has several operations including (succesor/predecesor, remove, get kth smallest), flexibility in building the tree.
- leetcode practice: search with Tag "binary tree" and solve "easy" problems. (Tag "binary search tree" shows only a few problems).
Here is a list of problems and leetcode representation of trees.
- Search Trees: Binary Search Trees ( pptx )
>>>>> Binary trees PRACTICE (problems and solutions)- Stanford Library - highly recommended.
- Search Trees: 2-3-4 trees ( pptx )
- Animation: from B-Tree select Max Degree 4 and Preemptive Split/Merge to see the same behavior as shown in class.
- AVL tree video (MIT open courseware) - Gives tree properties, insertion steps (not code), proof that an AVL tree with N nodes has height O(lgN). Uses the left and right rotations discussed for binary trees.
- Red-Black trees (wikipedia) - See properties, image, and correspondence with 2-3-4 trees.
Hashing ( pptx) CLRS Chapter 11 (CLRS)
Good video Hash Tables and Hash Functions.
Worked out example of double hashing and quadratic hashing
Good read: https://rcoh.me/posts/hash-map-analysis/
Greedy Algorithms (pdf, pptx) for 0/1 Knapsack and Job Scheduling
(CLRS Chapter 16 )
(extra, not required: Knapsack - 4 versions(pdf, pptx)
- Huffman Code Tree - covered at the end of class if time permit (CLRS Chapter 16 )
Good read (class notes based on it): https://www2.cs.duke.edu/csed/poop/huff/info/
- Dynamic Programming - CLRS Chapter 15 (15.1, 15.3, ?? 15.4, ??15.2) (Sedgewick - Sections 5.1, 5.3).
Edit Distance, Longest Common Subsequence, Longest Increasing Subsequence (pdf, pptx )
Visualization from Data Structures Visualization: Longest Common Subsequence (give BDCABA and ABCBDAB) - only the Table (bottom-up DP) is required, but see recursive and memoized as well. (For memoized you can see that not all cells are computed).
Knapsack, Job Scheduling, Fibonacci, Stair Climbing (pdf, pptx )
Visualization from Data Structures Visualization :
Fibonacci - for memoized you can see how it looks back the cells and fills them out.
- DP-General ( pptx)
More examples of dynamic programming (pdf, pptx) - Extra, harder examples
- leetcode resources:
Categorization of Dynamic Programing Problems in leetcode post. (It has more categories than what we cover in class)
List of DP problems on LeetCode (recommended by Dikshit): https://leetcode.com/discuss/general-discussion/491522/dynamic-programming-questions-thread
Graphs (pdf , pptx ) - CLRS Chapter 22.
Links to resources on Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS) and other topics:
- BFS and DFS,( with subtitles)
- VisualAlgo Legend of node coloring: full orange node - currently working on, empty orange node: finished (black in the white-gray-black color scheme), empty blue nodes: discovered nodes (gray in white-gray-black). Check the explanations in the pink bar.
- MIT OpenCourseWare: BFS, DFS
- Tricolor graph algorithm (white-gray-black) by Andrew Myers. Good brief notes. Note that on this page, in the Edge Classification section, the example of a forward edge from D to C is wrong. That is a cross edge.
Minimum-cost Spanning Trees - Prim's algorithm (pdf , pptx) - CLRS Chapter 23
If time permits: Kruskal's algorithm for MST (pptx)
Union_Find (CLSR: Chapter 21: Data Structures for Disjoint Sets) (Sedgewick: Chapter 1))
Shortest Paths (pdf , pptx) - CLRS Section 24.3 (Dijkstra's algorithm)
Graph Summary (pdf , pptx)